Is Hill Harper’s Michigan Story as a Celebrity Candidate Genuine or an Act?


Actor Hill Harper’s bid for the Democratic Senate campaign in Michigan has raised questions about his residency and connection to the state. Harper, known for his roles on CSI: NY and The Good Doctor, launched his campaign with a video message to his son, claiming that he is raising him in Michigan. However, recent evidence suggests that his son attended school in Seattle, Washington, indicating that Harper may not have strong ties to Michigan. This could be a problem for the actor-turned-politician as he enters the world of Michigan politics.

Harper’s background further highlights his status as an outsider to Michigan. Born in Iowa, he attended Brown University and Harvard Law School, spending much of his time on the West Coast where he filmed his television series. While he purchased a home in Detroit and engaged in nonprofit work in the area, he also maintained residences in California and Seattle. His primary residence in Michigan over the past seven years is unclear.

Further evidence of Harper’s questionable ties to Michigan can be found in his professional engagements. Profiles for booking him as a speaker frequently list him as traveling from California or Seattle, rather than Michigan. Former employees of his Detroit coffee shop also noted that Harper rarely visited the establishment, casting doubt on his claim of living in Michigan.

Harper’s political donations up until 2015 listed California as his primary residence. He only started listing Michigan as his primary residence in 2023 when he made a donation to the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee. Harper’s campaign spokesperson, Rebecca Pearcey, insists that he has lived in Michigan for seven years and has been active in the community.

The issue of residency could become a point of attack for Harper’s primary opponent, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who is seen as a more moderate Democrat. Slotkin, however, also spent time away from Michigan during her education and career in the Central Intelligence Agency. With money and name recognition, Harper could pose a challenge to Slotkin if he gains momentum in the primary race.

Harper’s run for Senate is not without other complications. The ongoing Hollywood writers strike has put television production on hold, raising questions about whether he will continue his work as an actor while running for office. Despite these challenges, Harper is determined to make his case to voters and prove himself as a true Michigander.

The Democratic Senate primary in Michigan will take place on August 6. The seat is being vacated by retiring Sen. Debbie Stabenow, who has not yet endorsed a candidate in the race. Harper will need to address concerns about his residency and establish a strong connection to Michigan if he wants to secure the Democratic nomination and compete for the Senate seat.

Original Story at – 2023-07-13 08:40:23

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