Democratic Concerns Rise as Cornel West Runs for Green Party, While Biden Campaign Remains Uninvolved


Cornel West’s candidacy on the Green Party line is causing confusion and concern among his political allies and friends, as well as top Democrats and Black leaders. West, a political philosopher and agitator, is using his semi-celebrity status to attack President Joe Biden from the left and describe his administration as a “postponement of fascism.” He is also making race-based arguments, accusing the Democratic establishment of treating Black voters like they are on a plantation.

While many Democrats remain skeptical that West will raise enough money to mount a successful campaign, his decision to run on the Green Party line has sparked anxiety among Democratic leaders. The Greens have a history of spoiling elections, as seen in the 2000 and 2016 elections when their presidential nominees drew enough votes to help Republicans win key states in the Electoral College.

David Axelrod, a former adviser to Barack Obama, warns that West’s candidacy could sneak up on people and should be a cause for concern. Top Democrats in swing states are taking notice and expressing their concerns. Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Austin Davis acknowledges that the conversation about West has been more among insiders than voters but believes they should address the issue quickly.

Biden advisers are hopeful that his record and voters’ memories of the 2016 election, where Green Party candidate Jill Stein won tens of thousands of votes in battleground states that Hillary Clinton lost, will prevent supporters from straying to West. Michigan Democratic chair Lavora Barnes believes West and the Green Party are not something to worry about but should be monitored closely.

Despite personal affection and respect for West, many top Biden supporters, including Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, are hesitant to discuss their dismay over his run. Sanders declined to comment on West’s campaign and shut down questions about West’s comments on Biden. Some progressive establishment groups and media outlets are urging West to reconsider and run as a Democrat in a primary challenge to Biden.

While Biden has strong support among Black voters, strategists are concerned about voter engagement in swing states for the 2024 election. To address this, the Congressional Black Caucus has launched a new PAC to fund efforts to engage Black voters. Davis and other leaders are planning campaigns to highlight Biden’s record and accomplishments, as well as counter distractions like West’s candidacy.

Despite concerns, West’s fame and progressive agenda could appeal to younger voters. Some high-profile Sanders supporters, such as Nina Turner and Ben Cohen, are moving towards supporting West. However, it remains to be seen whether West can raise enough funds and gain enough support to mount a successful campaign.

Overall, West’s candidacy on the Green Party line has caused confusion and concern among political allies and friends, as well as top Democrats and Black leaders. While some are dismissive of his chances, others are taking notice and expressing their worries. The impact of West’s candidacy on Black voter engagement and the outcome of the election remains to be seen.

Original Story at – 2023-07-21 18:47:00

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