The American Prospect: Is it Possible for Democrats to Promote ‘Bidenomics’?


Title: Biden’s Economic Record Faces Perception Challenges Despite Positive Indicators

As President Biden gears up for his re-election campaign, the White House is focusing on highlighting the remarkable performance of the economy under his leadership. With job creation surpassing historical records, unemployment rates below 4 percent, falling inflation, and positive real wage growth, Bidenomics is being hailed as a successful approach to growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up. However, despite these positive indicators, Biden’s efforts to transform the American welfare state have faced obstacles, and the perception of his economic record remains a challenge.

The Struggle to Deliver on Welfare Promises:
Although Biden’s Build Back Better bill initially included an array of welfare provisions, such as paid family and sick leave, a $15 minimum wage, and extended child tax credits, most of these promises failed to pass. Only a boost to the Obamacare exchanges and some minor drug price reforms made it into law. Additionally, the pandemic-induced safety net, which provided generous unemployment benefits and Medicaid protection, has gradually been dismantled, largely due to neoliberal ideology and corruption among Senate swing votes.

Emphasis on Industrial Policy:
Despite the setbacks in welfare legislation, Biden’s legislative record has focused heavily on industrial policy. The infrastructure bill, CHIPS, and the Inflation Reduction Act aim to revive high-tech manufacturing in the United States and its allies. Although the results of these efforts will take time to materialize, early signs are promising, with manufacturing construction investment experiencing a significant surge.

Perception Challenges and Propaganda:
Surprisingly, Biden’s economic record has not translated into widespread approval. According to a recent AP-NORC poll, only 34 percent of adults approve of his economic record and just 30 percent rate the economy as good. Even among Democrats, the rating stands at only 47 percent. The discrepancy between positive indicators and public perception may be attributed to propaganda and vibes. Perception challenges are not unique to the economy; Biden’s strong foreign policy record also faced significant backlash, particularly during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Need for Effective Messaging:
The Democrats lack a media apparatus comparable to the right-wing media complex that supported Trump. Instead of relying solely on mainstream media coverage, Democrats should establish a consistent messaging system that showcases not only Biden’s accomplishments but also the values of the Democratic Party. By effectively countering negative narratives and highlighting the positive impact of their policies, Democrats can ensure that the achievements of the Biden administration are not overshadowed by conservative messaging.

While President Biden’s economic record boasts positive indicators, the perception of his performance remains a challenge. Despite significant job creation and economic growth, the failure to deliver on welfare promises and the influence of propaganda contribute to the divergence between indicators and public opinion. To overcome these challenges, Democrats must establish an effective messaging system that consistently reinforces their values and showcases the positive impact of their policies. By doing so, they can ensure that the accomplishments of the Biden administration are accurately represented and resonate with the American public.

Original Story at – 2023-06-30 09:17:44

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