NYSERDA’s Advisory Group for the Residential Market


NYSERDA Launches Residential Market Advisory Group

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has launched a Residential Market Advisory Group (RMAG) to provide a platform for the residential market to come together and envision the next generation of residential clean energy solutions. The RMAG will also facilitate the deployment of strategies that stimulate market growth, deliver customer value, and enable the achievement of New York State’s energy policy goals.

Advisory Group Objectives

The RMAG’s objectives include:

• Maintaining market awareness of public policies driving investments in energy efficiency and clean energy in the residential market.

• Sharing information on current and planned activities to enable coordination and avoid unproductive duplication of efforts in advancing progress towards policy and industry objectives.

• Discussing opportunities and challenges associated with wide-scale deployment of energy efficiency and clean energy services for the residential sector and seeking solutions to overcome market barriers.

• Helping guide the direction of the market’s existing and future clean energy solutions.

• Making connections and developing collaborations among participants and partners to meet mutual objectives.

• Developing and coordinating shared messaging and outreach strategies where appropriate.


Participation in the RMAG is open to all parties with business interests aligned with enabling and providing energy efficiency and clean energy solutions to this market segment, including, but not limited to: residential building contractors; residential energy-related product manufacturers, distributors, service providers, and software developers; insurers; realtors, appraisers, inspectors; financiers and mortgage lenders; policy and advocacy groups; trade associations, standards organizations, trainers, and credentialing bodies; utilities and other energy providers; researchers and consultants; and government entities.

Upcoming Meetings & Webinars

Quarter 2 2023 Meeting

Join the RMAG’s Quarterly Meeting virtually on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. ET. This quarterly meeting will review the outcomes of a recently completed RMAG priorities survey and include three presentations related to the central theme of “improving market awareness and urgency for residential clean energy and energy efficiency.”

Working Groups

Residential Contractor Working Group

The Residential Contractor Working Group convenes monthly and advises and provides feedback on a number of topics related to residential contractors.

Residential Quality Assurance Root Cause Analysis Expert Panel

The Residential Quality Assurance Root Cause Analysis Expert Panel’s purpose is to support the advancement of New York’s clean energy and residential market energy efficiency goals through process improvements for NYSERDA residential programs.

Stacked Energy Efficiency Program Framework Working Group

The Stacked Energy Efficiency Program Framework Working Group is developing a framework for a pilot program of demonstration projects showcasing stacked energy efficiency, clean energy, and renewable energy for 1-4 unit existing homes.


The Conflicts and Confidentiality Policy was developed for NYSERDA Advisory Boards. All RMAG members must read it and comply with its terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, contact [email protected]

Original Story at www.nyserda.ny.gov – 2023-06-22 20:23:05

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