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## Hunter Biden Indicted Over 2018 Gun Purchase

In an unprecedented move, Special Counsel David Weiss has indicted Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, over a gun he bought in 2018. This is the first time in the history of the United States that the Justice Department has charged a sitting president’s child. [Hunter Biden has been indicted](http://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/hunter-biden-indictment/index.html) on three charges including false statements on a federal firearms form and firearm possession as a prohibited person. This indictment marks a significant departure from the anticipated trajectory of Hunter Biden’s legal issues.

## Collapse of Plea Deal

The indictment follows the collapse of a plea deal that had been initially agreed upon. This unexpected turn of events could potentially set the stage for a high-stakes trial in the midst of President Biden’s re-election bid in 2024. The White House had initially expected [Hunter Biden’s legal saga to end over the summer](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/17/politics/hunter-biden-joe-biden-2024/index.html), but the plea deal fell through under scrutiny from a federal judge. As a result, the House Republicans have announced an [impeachment inquiry](http://www.cnn.com/2023/09/14/politics/impeachment-next-steps-house-republicans/index.html) into the President over Hunter Biden’s business ventures.

## Court Summons and Hunter Biden’s Location

Court filings indicate that a summons has been issued for Hunter Biden to make an initial court appearance, but details about the time and location are still unclear. A source familiar with the matter revealed that Hunter Biden is currently in California and arrangements for his self-surrender or initial court appearance are yet to be finalized.

## Political Pressure Allegations

In an exclusive interview with CNN, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, suggested that the indictment was the result of political pressure. According to Lowell, Republican politicians were exerting pressure on the US attorney to incriminate Hunter Biden in order to serve their political interests. He claimed that these efforts have been successful.

## Defense Claims

Lowell defended his client, arguing that Hunter Biden’s possession of an unloaded gun for 11 days did not pose a threat to public safety. However, he pointed out the danger of a prosecutor yielding to political pressure. Lowell asserted that his client had not violated any law, and he promised to demonstrate this in court. He also argued that the charges should be barred due to an earlier agreement with the prosecutors.

## Investigation and Possible Charges

Weiss has been at the helm of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s case since late 2018. His team has been investigating possible felony tax evasion, illegal foreign lobbying, money laundering, and other matters tied to Hunter Biden’s overseas business deals. Besides the gun case, Weiss is also considering charging Hunter Biden with tax crimes.

## Potential Penalties

If convicted on all counts, Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison and fines amounting to $750,000. However, maximum penalties are rarely imposed, especially for non-violent crimes committed by first-time offenders. The indictment against Hunter Biden was handed by a federal grand jury in Delaware.

## Legal Implications

The law that Hunter Biden is accused of violating has been deemed [unconstitutional](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/09/politics/appeals-court-firearms-illegal-drug-users/index.html) by an appeals court in August. This ruling could impact other defendants convicted under the same law in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, but it has no legal bearing on Biden’s case in Delaware.

This story will continue to be updated as further developments emerge.

Original Story at www.cnn.com – 2023-09-15 01:24:00

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