Haitian New Leader Seeks Additional Support in Washington Visit



The United States has pledged to push for more aid to Haiti after the new Prime Minister, Garry Conille, expressed that more money is needed to restore stability in the country currently under siege by criminal gangs. The Biden administration is planning to release $100 million for an international police mission, which the U.S. is the largest financial backer of, despite Republican opposition. Haiti has been suffering from a series of crises that include natural disasters, assassinations, food shortages, and cholera outbreaks, while nearly 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince, is estimated to be controlled by gangs.

US Democrats Pledge to Bolster Aid for Haiti Amid Security Crisis

Leading Democrats met Haiti’s new Prime Minister, Garry Conille, committing to advocate for increased US assistance. This follows the arrival of a US-supported international police mission in Haiti, which is currently plagued by gang violence. The Biden administration plans to release $100 million for this mission, despite Republican opposition. Conille, however, emphasized the need for more funding.

“This is a critical juncture,” said Conille. He explained that he required funding for immediate basic infrastructure development and ensuring services availability for the citizens.

Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti

The long-anticipated Multinational Security Support Mission, led by Kenya, arrived in Haiti eight months after the United Nations authorization. This force aims to curb violence and regain control of the nation. Conille outlined his plans to lead Haiti away from violence and corruption, ensuring a return to democratic norms. The transitional government hopes to hold elections before February 7, 2026.

Political Opposition to the Mission

The funding efforts face substantial opposition from senior Republicans who question the mission’s clarity and effectiveness in a country notorious for gang control and political corruption. The deployment of Kenyan troops also drew criticism, leaving Kenya vulnerable to its own instability.

“The administration must find a different solution to address Haiti’s insecurity,” stated two Republicans, in response to the recent civil order disruptions in the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Haiti’s Ongoing Crises

Haiti is still recovering from successive natural disasters, food shortages, and health crises. The country’s instability escalated in 2021 with the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Since then, gang violence has surged with nearly 80% of Port-au-Prince under gang control.

Expectations for the Future

The US Democrats expressed optimism that the international police mission could restore stability in Haiti. They also hope a strong stance against violence would encourage Haitians’ participation in their country’s democratic transition.

“If we can help Haitians stay in Haiti… then that becomes another country we can engage with,” said one of the Democrats. PM Conille added, “We only get one chance here, and we cannot fail.”

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