Who Could Possibly Succeed Biden at the Top of the Ticket?



President Biden’s perceived poor performance in a debate against former President Donald Trump has led to speculation among some Democrats about the possibility of nominating an alternative candidate. Top contenders being discussed include Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Gavin Newsom of California, Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Governor JB Pritzker of Illinois, and Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. However, Biden’s campaign maintains that he has no intention of stepping out of the race, and former Senator Barbara Boxer warns that being vetted for president is a significant challenge.

Democrats Evaluate Alternative Presidential Candidates

Following President Biden’s underwhelming debate performance against former President Donald Trump, Democrats are contemplating alternative candidates, with Vice President Kamala Harris and various Democratic governors among potential choices.

The candidate switch would necessitate Biden’s withdrawal from the race. However, there are significant risks to consider, as some high-profile stand-ins have yet to experience the intensity of a presidential race.

“Presidential vetting isn’t easy,” says Barbara Boxer, former Senator from California. “The candidates’ performances remain uncertain.”

Possible Contenders:

Vice President Harris, a former prosecutor and senator of California, is a top contender. However, she has struggled to define her role alongside Biden and carries low approval ratings.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, a staunch Biden supporter, brings significant campaigning experience but may have to answer for California’s issues like homelessness and high taxes.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has enacted several progressive policies and has a strong national profile. Her post-Biden presidential ambitions have been hinted at recently.

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, billionaire and Hyatt Hotels heir, is known for his harsh criticisms of Trump and boasts a significant progressive record as governor.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is seen as a measured leader emphasizing bipartisanship and has a high job approval rating of 64% in a recent survey.

Additional Possibilities

Other potential candidates include Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, as well as Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky. High-profile individuals such as Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama could also be considered.

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