Biden’s border rules significantly reduce illegal crossings



The number of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally has decreased by over 40% since President Joe Biden announced stricter asylum claim restrictions. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), agents are now apprehending less than 2,400 migrants daily, compared to over 3,800 at the start of June. The new measures restrict access to humanitarian protections for those with fears of persecution in their home country, and will be lifted if illegal crossings average less than 1,500 per day.

Decrease in Migrants Crossing US Southern Border Illegally

McALLEN, Tex. — Following President Biden’s tightening of asylum restrictions, the number of migrants crossing the U.S. southern border illegally has fallen over 40% in three weeks, according to administration officials.

The Department of Homeland Security data revealed that U.S. agents have been detaining less than 2,400 migrants daily over the past week, down from over 3,800 in early June. This is the lowest level of illegal crossings since Biden took office.

In South Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, a busy migration corridor, the shift was noticeable as Border Patrol agents mostly pursued a few adult men trying to evade capture. A similar decline in illegal crossings was reported in the Arizona desert’s Tucson area, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas disclosed.

“The president’s actions are working due to their stern response to illegal crossings,” Mayorkas stated, emphasizing the fight against smuggling organizations.

Agents typically observe a short-term decrease in crossings following any significant government crackdown. Despite record levels of illegal entries late last year, numbers have been decreasing in recent months, partially due to Mexico’s stricter enforcement.

On the eve of the first 2024 debate between President Biden and the presumptive Republican nominee, former president Donald Trump, border data was released by Biden administration officials.

Biden administration officials anticipate that the dropping numbers can counteract Republican criticism of the president’s border handling. Poll results consistently show high disapproval rates for Biden’s handling of border security and immigration issues.

Homeland Security officials cautioned that the crackdown results are preliminary, framing the measures as an attempt to balance tougher enforcement with more opportunities for migrants to reach the U.S. legally.

Biden has led the largest expansion of lawful pathways in decades, freeing up the asylum system for those with legitimate claims, according to a DHS fact sheet.

Despite most migrants taken into custody at the southern border not having criminal records, Republican lawmakers have urged Trump to target Biden’s immigration record, focusing on migrants who commit crimes.

The American Civil Liberties Union and immigrant advocacy groups are suing to block Biden’s asylum restrictions, alleging they endanger people seeking protection.

The U.N. refugee agency expressed deep concern about the new measures potentially denying asylum access to those eligible.

U.S. immigration laws permit anyone who reaches U.S. soil to seek humanitarian protection if they fear persecution in their home country. Biden’s measures temporarily suspend access to these protections due to overwhelming illegal crossings and limited resources.

The asylum restrictions will lift if illegal crossings average fewer than 1,500 daily but will return if levels exceed 2,500 daily, according to Biden’s measures.

Lower illegal crossings have enabled U.S. agents to better protect the border and increase patrols, DHS stated, enhancing efforts to interdict individuals posing a public safety threat.

The DHS statement reiterated the administration’s calls for lawmakers to increase funding for the U.S. immigration system, including a major expansion of detention and deportation operations.

DHS reported a 65% drop in the number of migrants permitted into the U.S. with a pending court date after crossing illegally, under Biden’s measures. Deportations and returns to Mexico have doubled over the past three weeks, the department added.

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