Manchin’s Decision Not to Run for White House Relieves Democrats



US Senator Joe Manchin, a high-profile centrist, has announced that he will not run for president. This news is expected to be well received by the Biden campaign, as Manchin was considering a run to provide an alternative for voters unhappy with both Joe Biden and Donald Trump. There were concerns that an independent bid from Manchin could help deliver the White House to the Republicans in the next election.

Joe Manchin Declines Presidential Run

Joe Manchin
Image: Getty Images

Joe Manchin, a prominent centrist in US politics, quelled speculation on Friday by announcing he won’t be running for president. This news likely relieved the Biden campaign as Manchin, the West Virginia senator, had previously voiced considering a run for voters dissatisfied with both Biden and Donald Trump.

Manchin, who self-identifies as a “conservative Democrat,” has criticized both major parties and their leaders in recent times. His potential independent bid stirred concerns among Democrats, fearing it could benefit Republicans in the upcoming November election. “I will not be a deal-breaker or a spoiler,” he said during a speech in his home state.

Amy Walters, editor of the Cook Political Report, says, “Democrats have been really freaking out at the prospect of a third-party candidate, especially one from a more moderate, centrist background.” With polls indicating a level of discontent with a Biden-Trump rematch, swing voters could be swayed by another candidate.

However, Manchin’s political moderation may have limitations in the current climate of political polarization. “Those swing voters who are not going to back Trump could defect to another candidate,” adds Walters.

Meanwhile, the centrist group No Labels, which considered Manchin for their presidential candidate, stated they are in conversation with numerous leaders about a presidential unity ticket. “We are continuing to make great progress on our ballot access efforts and will announce in the coming weeks whether we will offer our line to a unity ticket,” the group posted on social media.

Several independent candidates are already running, including Robert Kennedy Jr and academic Cornel West. Hence, an electoral wildcard could still pose a threat to the 2024 campaign.

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