After Trump’s exclusion from another state ballot, potential for US electoral chaos heightens.



Maine has become the second state to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 election ballot, citing the former president’s role in the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot. The decision, which follows a similar one from the Colorado Supreme Court, could deepen national divisions and has increased pressure for the US Supreme Court to address the issue, due to the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban”. Trump’s team has indicated it will appeal against the decision in state court.

Maine Election Turmoil Escalates

Maine escalated the 2024 election chaos by becoming the second state to disqualify Donald Trump from the ballot due to the US Capitol riot of January 6, 2021. This follows Colorado’s similar move, further complicating Trump’s campaign and bolstering calls for the US Supreme Court to address the resulting constitutional crisis.

Trump’s Ballot Removal Creates Uncertainty

With the imminent start of the Republican nominating race in Iowa, a resolution to this uncertainty is urgently required. However, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows is holding off on a final decision pending a potential state court appeal, which Trump’s team intends to file.

Simultaneous Political Struggles

On the same day as Trump’s disqualification, his rival in New Hampshire, Nikki Haley, faced backlash over her remarks about slavery. These concurrent controversies highlight the intensifying drama within the Republican Party.

Legal and Political Implications for Trump

The decision by Maine and Colorado to disqualify Trump has significantly complicated the 2024 campaign and raised questions about the future of America’s democracy. The criminal charges against Trump have only increased his popularity among his voter base, despite the potential implications for the general election.

Trump’s Response to Disqualification

Trump’s team responded vehemently, accusing Democrats of “attempting to summarily remove President Trump’s name from the ballot”, thereby denying American voters their right to choose their president. This claim is viewed as ironic, given Trump’s ongoing denial of the 2020 election results.

Emerging Details of Trump’s Election Meddling

A recent CNN report revealed new details of Trump’s attempts to meddle in the 2021 election. Recordings show that Trump’s advisor mentioned concerns about fake elector ballots being stuck in the mail days before Congress was due to certify the election results. This evidence further undermines Trump’s defense that his actions were a legitimate use of presidential power to protect voters after a fraudulent election.

Impact on Haley’s Campaign

Haley’s failure to acknowledge the role of slavery in the US Civil War has sparked criticism and revived claims that she often manipulates historical truths for political gain. Her comments could hinder her attempts to attract independent voters in New Hampshire, a state that sent regiments to fight the Confederacy in the Civil War.

Legal Challenges and Implications

The Republican Party in Colorado has already challenged the decision to bar Trump from the ballot, and Trump’s campaign intends to file a case in Maine. However, Maine’s Secretary of State argued that she had the authority to disqualify Trump due to his actions. As different states have diverse interpretations of the Constitution and Trump’s eligibility to run for office, the US Supreme Court may need to intervene.

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