Next week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to hold meeting with Biden in U.S.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine is expected to meet with President Biden during his visit to the United States next week, according to a source familiar with Zelenskyy’s plans. The meeting is likely to take place on Thursday in Washington, D.C., as both leaders are scheduled to attend the annual U.N. General Assembly in New York on Tuesday and Wednesday. This meeting comes at a crucial time, as the Biden administration is urging Congress to approve $13 billion in military funding for Ukraine.

Zelenskyy’s visit to Washington, D.C. presents an opportunity for him to personally make the case for increased military support from the United States. According to the Associated Press, he plans to meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to advocate for the funding. In addition to the meeting at the White House, Zelenskyy may have other engagements in the nation’s capital.

CBS News’ Scott Pelley recently traveled to Kyiv for an interview with President Zelenskyy. The interview will air on Sunday as part of the 56th season premiere of “60 Minutes.” This in-depth interview provides insights into Zelenskyy’s perspective on the current situation in Ukraine and his expectations for the meeting with President Biden.

The meeting between President Zelenskyy and President Biden holds significant importance for Ukraine, as the country continues to face security challenges in its conflict with Russia. The additional military funding sought by the Biden administration would further strengthen Ukraine’s defense capabilities and support its efforts to protect its sovereignty.

It is expected that the meeting will also touch upon other important issues, such as energy security and economic cooperation between the two countries. Ukraine has been seeking to diversify its energy sources and reduce its dependence on Russian gas, and the United States has been a key partner in these efforts. Enhancing economic ties between the two nations will also be on the agenda, as both leaders recognize the potential for increased trade and investment.

Overall, the meeting between President Zelenskyy and President Biden signifies the United States’ continued commitment to supporting Ukraine in its pursuit of stability and security. As Ukraine faces ongoing challenges, including the ongoing conflict in the eastern part of the country, this meeting provides an opportunity for both leaders to reaffirm their partnership and explore avenues for further cooperation.

The outcome of this meeting will have implications not only for Ukraine and its relationship with the United States but also for the broader geopolitical landscape in Eastern Europe. As Russia’s actions in the region continue to draw international concern, the United States’ support for Ukraine serves as a crucial deterrent and a message of solidarity with its allies in the region.

In conclusion, President Zelenskyy’s upcoming meeting with President Biden holds great significance for Ukraine and the broader international community. The meeting will address key issues such as military funding, energy security, and economic cooperation. It is an opportunity for both leaders to strengthen their partnership and demonstrate their commitment to Ukraine’s security and sovereignty. The outcome of this meeting will have far-reaching implications and will shape the future trajectory of the U.S.-Ukraine relationship.

Original Story at – 2023-09-15 00:23:00

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