New Release: PV Tech Power 36 Explores Post-IRA Solar in the US, Skill Gaps, and Transition from Coal to Clean Energy


Renewable energy enthusiasts and industry professionals alike will find a wealth of information in the latest edition of PV Tech Power. Filled with articles and features exploring various aspects of the renewable energy sector, this issue covers a wide range of topics, from solar tracking technology to Europe’s renewable power purchase agreement (PPA) market.

One of the highlights of this edition is an article discussing the potential for enhancing renewable energy production in Antarctica through design and planning. Slovenian solar company Bisol and the International Polar Foundation delve into the unique challenges and opportunities of generating renewable energy at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station.

Another noteworthy piece focuses on the solar skills shortage and how it is being addressed by industry experts from the US, Europe, and the UK. With the solar industry experiencing rapid growth, finding and training skilled workers has become a pressing issue. This article explores the strategies being employed to tackle this shortage and ensure the industry has a qualified workforce.

The optimisation of energy storage assets in the US’ leading markets is also examined in this edition. Wayne Muncaster of energy storage asset optimiser GridBeyond shares insights into the role that batteries can play in stabilising the grid, particularly in light of heatwaves hitting the US. The article includes analysis of how this translates into revenues and the potential benefits of energy storage in the renewable energy sector.

Readers can access the digital copy of PV Tech Power 35 through the subscription service provided on the PV Tech website. Subscribers to PV Tech Premium receive every copy of PV Tech Power as part of their subscription, along with exclusive content and weekly briefing emails. PV Tech Premium offers a range of benefits for those interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the renewable energy industry.

For more information on PV Tech Premium and how to subscribe, visit the PV Tech website. Don’t miss out on the valuable insights and analysis provided in this edition of PV Tech Power.

Original Story at – 2023-09-04 10:53:52

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