House’s Return Casts Shadow of Impeachment and Government Shutdown Threats


Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces a challenging week in Washington as he grapples with the possibility of a government shutdown and mounting pressure from the right to impeach President Joe Biden. With several deadlines approaching at the end of the month, including government funding, reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, and disaster relief for Ukraine, McCarthy must navigate a divided party while also trying to maintain his speakership.

Hardliners within the Republican Party are calling for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene even making her support for government funding contingent upon launching the inquiry. This puts pressure on McCarthy to balance the demands of his right flank with the resistance from moderates within the party. Former President Donald Trump is also expected to weigh in on these topics, further complicating McCarthy’s strategy for the month ahead.

A closed-door party meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, where these issues will be discussed. How McCarthy handles these challenges will have significant implications for both the country and his speakership. Some members of Congress, particularly those on spending panels, are expressing frustration with the lack of progress in sorting out these issues in a timely manner.

McCarthy’s spending strategy is starting to take shape, with sources indicating that he is considering a short-term funding bill with disaster aid while leaving the Ukraine money for a separate fight. However, this plan is not without its hurdles. The White House and Senate leaders are insisting that Ukraine aid be attached to the funding bill, potentially leading to a showdown between the chambers. Additionally, appeasing conservatives within the House who are demanding policy riders on the spending bill may prove challenging.

Looking ahead, finding consensus on long-term funding bills will likely be even more difficult. The House and Senate are far apart in terms of funding levels and divided over controversial social issues. Compromise will be necessary from both sides to reach a joint work product that can fund the government.

The threat of a government shutdown looms, with some hardliners threatening to tank a procedural vote on a short-term spending bill. There has also been talk of forcing a vote to remove McCarthy as speaker if he fails to deliver on spending promises or gives too much to Democrats. The question of whether and when House Republicans will move forward with a Biden impeachment further hangs over the situation, with growing calls within the party for an inquiry.

McCarthy has successfully navigated political challenges in the past, but the coming weeks will test his leadership skills once again. The outcome of these debates and negotiations will have far-reaching consequences for the country and the future of the Republican Party.

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