Can Israeli threats disrupt the Iran-US ‘de-escalation’?


Deep Dive: Israeli threats pose a challenge to Iran-US ‘de-escalation’

In recent weeks, tensions between Iran and the United States have shown signs of easing, with both countries expressing a willingness to engage in dialogue and pursue de-escalation. However, Israeli threats against Iran’s nuclear program have emerged as a potential obstacle to this fragile progress.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and other officials have repeatedly warned that they will take military action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. These threats come as Iran and the US are engaged in indirect talks in Vienna to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The JCPOA, which was signed by Iran, the US, and several other world powers, aimed to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Former President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the agreement in 2018, leading to a deterioration in relations between the two countries.

Since then, Iran has gradually resumed its nuclear activities, including enriching uranium to higher levels and installing advanced centrifuges. The Biden administration has expressed a desire to rejoin the JCPOA, but negotiations have been complicated by the Israeli threat.

Israel sees Iran’s nuclear program as an existential threat and has a long history of covertly sabotaging it. In recent years, Israeli agents have reportedly carried out a series of targeted assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists and cyberattacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Despite Israel’s assertive stance, the US has made it clear that it is committed to pursuing diplomacy with Iran. President Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that his goal is to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons through diplomatic means.

However, Israeli officials believe that the US is not doing enough to address their concerns. They argue that the JCPOA did not go far enough in curbing Iran’s nuclear program and that a new agreement should include stricter limits on Iran’s enrichment capabilities and ballistic missile program.

The Israeli government has also expressed skepticism about Iran’s intentions, citing its support for militant groups in the region and its ballistic missile tests. They argue that any agreement with Iran should address these issues as well.

The challenge for the Biden administration is to find a way to address Israeli concerns without derailing the delicate progress that has been made in the negotiations. This will require a delicate balancing act, as the US seeks to reassure Israel while also pushing for a return to the JCPOA.

As the talks in Vienna continue, it remains to be seen how the Israeli threat will impact the negotiations. The US will need to navigate this obstacle carefully to ensure that the progress towards de-escalation is not derailed. Ultimately, the fate of the Iran-US relationship rests on finding a mutually acceptable solution that addresses the concerns of all parties involved.

Original Story at – 2023-09-14 01:07:48

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