The Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on the Climate Crisis


Inflation Reduction Act‘s Climate Provisions Aim to Cut US Carbon Emissions, But Fall Short of Pledge

A new study published in the journal Science reveals that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a key component of President Joe Biden’s climate agenda, will lead to significant reductions in US carbon emissions. The IRA includes nearly $370 billion in clean energy tax credits and funding for climate and energy programs. However, the study finds that while the IRA will cut economy-wide emissions between 43 and 48 percent below 2005 levels by 2035, it will not be enough to reach the US’s pledge of Reducing Emissions to 50 percent below peak levels by 2030.

The study highlights the potential impact of the IRA on carbon emissions, but also underscores the need for further action to meet the US’s climate goals. As climate change continues to accelerate, the urgency to Reduce Emissions and transition to renewable energy sources becomes increasingly critical. July 2023 was the hottest month on record, further highlighting the need for immediate and ambitious climate action.

However, not all groups are supportive of the IRA and its climate provisions. An alliance of right-wing groups, led by The Heritage Foundation, has released a plan called Project 2025, which aims to dismantle US climate policy for the next Republican president. This plan includes boosting oil and gas production, blocking the transition to renewable energy sources, slashing funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental justice office, shutting down the Energy Department’s renewable energy offices, and preventing states from adopting California’s car pollution standards, among other measures.

The release of Project 2025 raises concerns about the future of climate policy in the US and the potential rollback of progress made in addressing climate change. It underscores the ideological divide surrounding climate action and the challenges faced in implementing effective and comprehensive climate policies.

To discuss these climate provisions and their implications, Your Call’s One Planet Series invited two guests: Rebecca Leber, senior climate reporter for Vox, and Marianne Lavelle, an award-winning reporter for Inside Climate News. They provide insights into the IRA, its impact on carbon emissions, and the challenges faced in addressing climate change in the current political landscape.

As the US grapples with the complex issue of climate change, it is crucial to have informed discussions and explore the various perspectives and implications of climate policies. The IRA, with its ambitious clean energy tax credits and funding for climate programs, represents a significant step towards addressing climate change. However, the study’s findings highlight the need for additional measures and continued efforts to achieve the US’s climate goals.

For more information on the topic, the guests recommend visiting the following web resources: Vox’s articles on the GOP’s climate change denial and the challenges faced by Biden’s climate law, Inside Climate News’ report on the foes of Biden’s climate plan, The Guardian’s coverage of environmental groups criticizing the complexity of the US climate law, and The Washington Post’s article on the White House’s response to Joe Manchin’s concerns about the climate law he helped craft.

Original Story at – 2023-08-28 15:43:00

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