The Impact of Dutch Political Paralysis on the EU: 9 Key Factors – POLITICO


Dutch Departures: How Will It Impact Key EU Legislation?

The Netherlands has a reputation for actively participating in EU legislation, despite its relatively small size. However, with the collapse of the current governing coalition and Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s announcement that he won’t run again, the Netherlands now finds itself in political limbo. The next Dutch elections are scheduled for November, leading to a potential delay in decision-making on key legislative files until at least 2024. This could provide more freedom for Dutch diplomats in Brussels, but it also means key Dutch politicians with international experience, such as Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag and Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra, will be departing. This departure of experienced Dutch politicians may impact the Dutch involvement in key EU legislation and potentially lead to a more firm political position on issues such as the EU’s fiscal rules and migration.

Migration Crisis: What Does the Departure of Dutch Politicians Mean for Key Legislation?

The migration debate in the EU has long been hindered by divisions between arrival countries like Italy or Greece, and Northern European countries like the Netherlands or Germany. However, in a surprising move, Prime Minister Rutte teamed up with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in February of this year. This alliance led to a deal for the migration pact in June, addressing issues of asylum reform. Rutte’s experience in migration deals, including one with Turkey in 2016, makes him a valuable negotiator. However, with the departure of key Dutch politicians and a more right-wing majority in the Dutch parliament, the migration debate in Brussels may become more challenging.

Enlargement of the EU’s Free-Movement Zone: Impact of Dutch Departures

The entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen Area, a key priority for citizens of these countries, has been blocked by the European Council. The Netherlands supported Austria’s resistance to this move due to concerns about migratory flows through the Western Balkan route. With a caretaker government in the Netherlands until the end of the year, it is unlikely that the country will sign off on the deal, which requires unanimous agreement from all member countries.

Cleaner Trucks: How Will the Dutch Departures Affect This Legislation?

The Netherlands has been a vocal advocate for zero-emission new truck and bus sales by 2040. As the EU reforms its truck pollution standards, the Netherlands has pushed for an end date for the sale of new polluting trucks that aligns with the EU’s climate neutrality objective by 2050. However, if the Netherlands loses its weight in EU negotiations due to the departure of key politicians, it may impact the progress of this legislation.

Lowering Drug Costs: Dutch Departures and Pharmaceutical Legislation

Dutch Health Minister Ernst Kuipers has been actively working to rein in sky-high drug prices. The Netherlands joined forces with other countries to put the public sector in control of drug research and development. However, with Kuipers likely to leave his position, the ambitions to take a harder stance against the pharmaceutical industry may need to be revised.

Reducing the EU’s Dependency on China: Impact of Dutch Departures

The Netherlands has been involved in pushing for the EU’s economic security strategy, particularly in relation to reducing dependency on China. The Dutch government imposed controls on exports of advanced microchip equipment to China, aligning with U.S. pressure. However, with the departure of key Dutch politicians, progress on concrete measures, such as outbound investment screening, may be delayed.

Cutting Pesticide Use in the EU: How Will Dutch Departures Affect This Legislation?

The Dutch government has been one of the few EU member states to support the European Commission’s plans to halve the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture by the end of the decade. When the Council asked for more evidence on the impact of these plans, Dutch diplomats objected. The departure of Dutch politicians may impact the support for these pesticide reduction measures in the EU.

In conclusion, the departure of key Dutch politicians will likely have an impact on several key EU legislative files. The Netherlands’ assertive positioning and active involvement in EU legislation may be hindered by the fragmented political landscape and the need to form a new coalition government. This could lead to delays in decision-making and potentially a more firm political stance on key issues.

Original Story at – 2023-08-06 05:26:44

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