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### Military Takeover in Gabon: President Ali Bongo Ondimba Ousted

In a stunning turn of events, military officers in Gabon seized power from President Ali Bongo Ondimba, thereby threatening the family’s half-century rule over the Central African nation. The officers, dressed in army uniforms, announced the president’s house arrest on national television, leading to widespread celebrations and reports of gunfire on the streets of the capital city. However, this move has been met with international condemnation.

The junta spokesperson, who remains unnamed, notified the national and international community about President Bongo’s house arrest. The ousted president is currently surrounded by his family and doctors. Authorities are planning to investigate charges against the president’s son, Nourredin Bongo Valentin, who was arrested alongside six other individuals for “high treason.”

### The Aftermath of the Coup

Video footage aired by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agency showed the president urging his “friends” to “make noise” following his house arrest. The president stated that his family members were in different locations while he remained at his residence, seemingly unaware of the ongoing coup. The circumstances of the video’s production remain unclear.

Soldiers were seen celebrating in Gabon’s capital, Libreville, in support of coup leader General Brice Oligui Nguema. The coup announcement came shortly after President Bongo was declared the winner of a contested election. Representing the “defense and security forces” in the country, the officers made the announcement on the news channel Gabon24.

### The Announcement and International Reaction

The Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) announced its decision to end the current regime in order to defend peace. The election results will be voided, the country’s borders will be shut, and all the institutions of the republic will be dissolved, according to the military officer on the broadcast. However, CNN has been unable to independently confirm the video and has yet to receive comments from Gabon’s government.

People in Gabon were seen dancing and celebrating on the streets of its capital. There was also a crackdown on foreign press coverage of the event by the Gabonese government. The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, warned that if the situation in Gabon is confirmed as a “military coup,” it would “increase instability in the whole region.”

### The Bongo Dynasty and Gabon’s Political History

Ali Bongo, aged 64, followed in the footsteps of his father, Omar Bongo, who ruled the country with an iron fist for nearly 42 years. Omar Bongo imposed a one-party system for years, only allowing multi-party rule in 1991, though his party retained its grip on government. Ali Bongo started his political career in 1981 and served various roles before becoming president in 2009.

In the recent election, Ali Bongo won the presidential election with 64.27% of the vote. However, this victory was clouded by allegations of electoral irregularities by his main challenger, Albert Ondo Ossa. This is not the first time Gabon has seen unrest under Bongo’s rule, with a previous coup attempt happening in 2019.

Original Story at www.cnn.com – 2023-08-30 13:21:00

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