Capitol Physician Confirms McConnell’s Ability to Maintain Schedule After Second Freezing Episode


Mitch McConnell has been cleared by the attending physician of Congress to resume his Senate duties after experiencing a second freezing episode during a press conference in Kentucky. Dr. Brian Monahan, who oversees the medical well-being of members of Congress, stated that McConnell is medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned. He explained that occasional lightheadedness is common in concussion recovery and can also be expected due to dehydration.

The concerns about McConnell’s health arose after he appeared to freeze for roughly 30 seconds while answering a reporter’s question at an event in his home state. This marked the second time in about a month that McConnell had stopped speaking suddenly for several seconds. McConnell suffered a concussion in March after falling at a private dinner event in Washington, D.C.

Following the incident, a spokesperson for McConnell stated that he felt momentarily lightheaded and paused during the press conference. McConnell’s team also mentioned that he would consult a physician before his next event. Despite the incidents, McConnell attended a fundraiser with GOP Rep. Jim Banks hours later.

The freezing episodes have raised questions about McConnell’s health, especially considering his position as the longest-serving party leader in the Senate. However, McConnell’s GOP Senate colleagues have offered him well-wishes, and President Biden expressed confidence in McConnell’s ability to perform his duties on Capitol Hill. Biden stated that he spoke to McConnell and doesn’t have any concerns about his ability to return to his old self.

In conclusion, Mitch McConnell has been given the green light by the attending physician of Congress to resume his Senate duties. The freezing episodes he experienced are attributed to his concussion recovery and dehydration. McConnell’s colleagues and President Biden have shown support and expressed confidence in his ability to return to his old self.

Original Story at – 2023-08-31 23:41:00

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