5 US Citizens Released to House Arrest in Iran in Exchange for Funds


Iran May Release Detained U.S. Citizens in Exchange for Unfrozen Funds

Washington/Dubai – Iran is considering the release of five detained U.S. citizens as part of a deal to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds in South Korea, according to sources familiar with the matter. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed optimism about the process, stating that he expects the detained individuals to return to the United States soon. As a first step, Iran has allowed four of the detainees to move from Tehran’s Evin prison to house arrest, with one already under home confinement.

The United States has agreed to release some Iranians from U.S. prisons as part of the deal, according to Iran’s mission to the United Nations. The detainees who have been allowed to leave Iran include businessmen Siamak Namazi and Emad Shargi, as well as environmentalist Morad Tahbaz, who also holds British nationality. The identity of the fourth detainee who has been released has not been disclosed, and the fifth individual was already under house arrest.

Secretary of State Blinken expressed hope that this development marks the beginning of the end of the detainees’ ordeal. However, he emphasized that more work needs to be done to bring them back home safely. Allowing the five detainees to leave Iran would help ease tensions between Washington and Tehran, who have been at odds over various issues, including Iran’s nuclear program and its support for regional Shi’ite militias.

The release of the detainees is contingent upon the unfreezing of $6 billion in Iranian funds held in South Korea. The process of transferring the detainees out of Iran could take weeks, and it is expected that the funds will be used for humanitarian purposes such as purchasing food and medicine. The potential transfer of funds has drawn criticism from Republicans, who argue that it could indirectly support Iran’s nuclear program and its involvement in regional conflicts.

Secretary Blinken clarified that the deal does not entail any sanctions relief for Iran and that the United States will continue to enforce all sanctions and push back against Iran’s destabilizing activities. Analysts believe that this deal could help reduce tensions between the two countries, particularly since President Joe Biden took office and expressed a desire to re-engage with Iran. However, some experts caution Iranian Americans against traveling to Iran, as they could still be at risk of being detained.

The detained U.S. citizens include Siamak Namazi, who has been held by Iran for over seven years on espionage-related charges, Morad Tahbaz, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “assembly and collusion against Iran’s national security,” and Emad Shargi, who was convicted of espionage in 2020. The release of these individuals is seen as a positive step in de-escalating tensions between the two nations.

In conclusion, the potential release of the five detained U.S. citizens by Iran in exchange for unfrozen funds is a significant development in the ongoing negotiations between the two countries. While it marks a positive step towards resolving the issue, further progress and delicate negotiations are still required to ensure the safe return of the detainees to the United States.

Original Story at www.reuters.com – 2023-08-11 00:15:00

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