Research: The Leader Board in THE NEWSROOM


Title: Joe Manchin Downplays Role in Democrats’ Taxing and Spending Law

In a surprising turn of events, Senator Joe Manchin, who played a crucial role in passing the Democrats’ ambitious taxing and spending law, is now distancing himself from it. Despite previously touting his involvement and even claiming to have written the bill, Manchin now denies any responsibility. This revelation has raised questions about his credibility and motives.

Manchin’s diminished role:
When Democrats’ climate legislation seemed doomed, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Manchin secretly revived talks, leading to the passage of the law. However, Manchin downplayed his involvement, stating that there was no “deal” with Schumer and that he only provided input on energy security amidst the conflict in Ukraine. Ironically, he now claims to be disillusioned with the Biden administration’s implementation of the electric vehicle provisions, even threatening to sue and join Republican efforts to repeal the law.

Crucial cooperation denied:
Despite Manchin’s attempts to downplay his cooperation, his role was undeniably crucial in passing the law. The Inflation Reduction Act, as it is known, was the result of an unexpected deal between Schumer and Manchin. In fact, Manchin was the deciding vote that secured its passage, yet he now distances himself from the very legislation he once championed.

Manchin’s previous claims:
Last year, Manchin proudly declared that he had written the bill and even came up with its misleading name, the Inflation Reduction Act. He repeatedly issued press releases referring to it as “Manchin’s Inflation Reduction Act.” He attended the White House signing ceremony and called it a “great day.” It is evident that Manchin was once fully invested in the success of the legislation.

Selling the bill:
Immediately after providing the deciding vote, Manchin embarked on a tour across West Virginia to promote the bill’s benefits. He hosted roundtables and spoke at events, highlighting the energy security and economic benefits it would bring to the state. However, his recent attempts to distance himself from the legislation now raise doubts about his sincerity during these promotional efforts.

Senator Joe Manchin’s attempt to downplay his central role in passing the Democrats’ taxing and spending law raises questions about his credibility and political motivations. His previous claims of writing the bill and actively promoting it now appear disingenuous. This shift in position has left many wondering about the true intentions behind his actions and the impact it may have on future legislation.

Original Story at – 2023-07-27 21:14:21

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