‘Everyone is invited to spend the night at my house’


Kind Ferry Terminal Worker Invites Stranded Vacationers to Stay at His Home

When vacationers found themselves stranded in the historic town of Port Townsend, Washington after ferry services were canceled due to bad weather, they were faced with the prospect of spending the night on the streets. However, their luck changed when William Patterson, a worker at the ferry terminal, invited all ten of them to stay at his house for the night.

The predicament began when Kip Goodwin, a 79-year-old tourist from Hawaii, and his wife finished calling every hotel and Airbnb in Port Townsend, only to find that they were all fully booked for the summer holiday season. Even the YMCA, Red Cross, and campgrounds were unavailable. As the couple worried about where they would sleep, Patterson intervened and offered them and the other stranded vacationers a place to stay at his home.

Port Townsend, located on the Olympic Peninsula and nestled among the pines on the Admiralty Inlet, is serviced by the United States’ largest ferry network. However, the Port Townsend-to-Coupeville route had to be canceled due to strong winds, leaving the passengers stranded. All three round trips were canceled, starting at 6:45 pm and continuing until 9:00 pm.

Arianna Patterson, William’s wife, jokingly told the Seattle Times that her husband had always threatened to bring a “straggler” home one day. When William called and asked if they could accommodate the Goodwins, Arianna initially agreed, thinking it was just two people. However, when William called back and mentioned the eight or nine other stranded vacationers, Arianna was taken by surprise.

Most of the stranded passengers were over 60 years old, so the Pattersons were relieved to be able to offer them shelter from the bad weather. Although there was space on the couch and an extra bed, people quickly ended up on the floor, using blankets borrowed from the hosts who had previously welcomed foster children.

The next morning, William went to the cafe he runs along with his work at the ferry terminal to make pastries and coffee for the stranded vacationers. Fred Dente, one of the stranded tourists, expressed his gratitude and said, “It was the way humans should treat humans. In this day and age, it was exceptional.”

Fortunately, the weather cleared up the next morning, and at 7:00 am, the ferries were able to set sail again, allowing the vacationers to continue their journeys.

This heartwarming story showcases the kindness and hospitality of William Patterson, who went above and beyond to ensure that the stranded vacationers had a safe place to stay. It serves as a reminder of the power of human compassion, even in challenging situations.

Original Story at www.goodnewsnetwork.org – 2023-07-05 13:30:46

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