Republicans Don’t Want You to Understand What You See



The article discusses the impact of President Biden’s $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and the Inflation Reduction Act. It states that these legislations have provided substantial support to Pennsylvania, including $14.8 billion for public infrastructure and clean energy projects, and reduced out-of-pocket spending on medicines for Medicare beneficiaries. However, the author criticizes Republican opposition to these laws and highlights a need for Democrats to effectively communicate their benefits to the public.

US Congress Policies: A Battle between Parties

It’s often overlooked who attempts to thwart beneficial actions. This is evident in the U.S. Congress, where typically, Democrats support people-helping policies, contrasting Republicans whose agenda often counters these efforts.

President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill narrowly passed the House with a 228-206 vote. Six Democrats opposed it, but without the backing of 13 Republicans, it would’ve failed to reach the required 218-vote threshold. Unfortunately, 200 Republicans were against it.

Impact of Congressional Votes

This raises questions about Democrats’ ability to effectively communicate the negative implications of Republican opposition to policies that benefit the public. As voting records reveal true intentions, it’s essential to understand the real consequences of elected officials’ votes.

For instance, the infrastructure bill and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have provided Pennsylvania with $14.8 billion for public infrastructure and clean energy. This includes over $10 billion in transportation investments and $650 million for clean water and water infrastructure improvements. More details can be found on the Keystone Newsroom website.

Affordable Healthcare and Drug Pricing

Another beneficiary of the IRA is David Mitchell, who saw his multiple myeloma drug costs reduced from $16,525 to $3,308. The IRA caps yearly out-of-pocket spending on brand-name drugs for Medicare beneficiaries. A detailed report is available on the Kaiser Family Foundation website.

The IRA also gives the federal government the ability to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies, a process that begins with setting new prices for 10 drugs in 2026. Despite some drug companies suing to negate these negotiations, the Congressional Budget Office estimates the legislation will save the federal government $237 billion over ten years.

The Fight for Public Perception

As the election nears, voters are urged to check who voted against seniors’ benefits. Unfortunately, Kaiser Family Foundation polling reveals that only 25% of adults know the IRA includes provisions on drug prices.

The message to voters is that the Democrats are fighting for them, while the Republicans are undermining them. The challenge remains for Democrats to communicate this effectively.

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