Data on police chases, fatalities is incomplete, experts say


The Star has conducted a nine-month investigation into police chases in Kansas City, highlighting the risks and devastating consequences of such pursuits. The investigation found that police departments in the area engage in more than three pursuits every day, with 9 fatalities in the past two years, mostly involving innocent bystanders. The report also highlighted the case of Darrell Vincent, who was killed during a chase in June 2021 when police used a tactical vehicle intervention (TVI) — a deliberate action to hit and stop a fleeing vehicle. Vincent’s death is not included in nationwide or federal police chase statistics, as deliberate police actions during chases are not counted. The report suggests that data collection on police chases is unreliable and incomplete, not mandated by any federal agency, and that police chases for minor infractions often result in crashes, injuries, and death.

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