DA Says SJPD Sniper Saved Lives When He Fatally Shot Machete-Wielding Man in 2023


The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office has concluded that San Jose Police Department sniper, Officer Edward Carboni, lawfully shot and killed Eliobert Gonzalez, who had broken into an apartment and was threatening the lives of a woman and her two children with a machete in March 2023. The 21-page report revealed that Gonzalez, armed with two machetes and a pellet gun, ignored police requests to surrender for 30 minutes. Officer Carboni, fearing for the family’s safety, fired at Gonzalez through a window, killing him and ending the hostage situation. The District Attorney’s Office investigates all fatal law enforcement encounters to ascertain the legality of the lethal force used. By law, officers can use deadly force when there is a reasonable need to protect themselves or others from an immediate, apparent threat of death, or great bodily harm.

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