ABC News – American in Australia deciphers the state of US politics leading up to the …


The article is an interview with an American living in Australia, who provides a perspective on U.S. politics. The interviewee discusses the impeachment of President Trump, the 2020 election, and the influence of social media and foreign interference on American politics. They believe that the American political system is becoming increasingly polarized and dysfunctional.

An American in Australia Explains US Political Climate

An American residing in Australia provides insight into the current political climate in the United States, shedding light on the lead-up to significant events. This article offers a unique perspective, bridging the gap between the US and Australian political landscapes.

With an understanding of both cultures, the American expat in Australia unravels complex political situations in the US. This makes for an engaging read for those looking to understand the intricacies of US politics from an outsider’s perspective.

As the landscape of US politics continues to evolve, this kind of analysis provides valuable insight for those in Australia and beyond. By demystifying American politics, this expat aids in creating a global understanding of the current state of affairs in the United States.

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