Start of the UN General Assembly debate

UN General Assembly Debate Begins with Strong Statements from World Leaders

The annual United Nations General Assembly debate kicked off on Tuesday with world leaders taking the podium to outline their global priorities. US President Joe Biden addressed the crowded auditorium, emphasizing the US commitment to Ukraine and stating that the US does not seek to decouple from China but rather to manage the rivalry responsibly. Brazilian President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, often referred to as Lula, declared that “Brazil is back,” taking a dig at his far-right predecessor Jair Bolsonaro and highlighting Brazil’s reconnection with itself, the region, and the world. Lula also criticized the “permanent members” of the UN Security Council for waging unauthorized wars, likely referring to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and US military interventions.

Lula’s message aligns with the stance of other emerging powers such as South Africa and India, who seek constructive relations with both the US and Russia instead of choosing sides. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the General Assembly, expressing frustration with growing war-weariness and the lack of attendance during his speech. Zelensky will travel to Washington later this week amid concerns that Congress may not ratify the White House’s request for an additional $24 billion in aid to Ukraine. The Ukrainian president aimed his speech at non-aligned states, particularly African countries affected by global food disruptions caused by a Russian blockade on Ukrainian ports and Western sanctions on Russian agricultural output. Zelensky held meetings with Kenya’s President William Ruto and South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa to discuss the need to resume the stalled Black Sea grain deal for global food stability.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi also took the podium, having recently finalized a prisoner swap with the US that included the release of frozen Iranian oil revenue. Raisi’s visit was met with controversy, as a large protest gathered outside the UN headquarters, calling for an end to the authoritarian Islamic Republic. The protest was kept away from the building by security barriers but could be heard within the grounds. On the agenda for tomorrow is a UN Security Council dedicated to the war in Ukraine, which President Zelensky will attend. Additionally, two side-conferences are scheduled: the Climate Ambition Summit, aimed at revitalizing efforts against climate change, and the High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development, which will discuss financial hurdles in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The UN General Assembly debate serves as a platform for world leaders to address global concerns and outline their priorities. The statements made by President Biden, President Lula, and President Zelensky highlight the complex geopolitical landscape and the need for responsible management of international rivalries. The meetings between Zelensky and African leaders demonstrate the impact of the conflict in Ukraine on global food stability. President Raisi’s visit sparks controversy, with protests calling for change in Iran. As the debate continues, the focus on climate change and financing for development will be critical in addressing pressing global challenges.

Original Story at – 2023-09-19 23:12:49

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