Fear of losing legislative edge drives GOP threat to impeach Wisconsin Supreme Court justice

Wisconsin Republicans are facing a threat to their legislative power, as a new liberal majority on the state Supreme Court creates concerns about the future of gerrymandered political maps. Republicans have threatened to impeach the justice responsible for flipping the court to a liberal majority unless she withdraws from any case involving redistricting. Democrats have labeled this threat as “political extortion” and are mobilizing voters to pressure Republicans in key districts. The outcome of this drama could have national implications, potentially affecting the 2024 presidential election.

Wisconsin has been a closely divided state in recent years, with four of the past six presidential contests being decided by less than a percentage point. In 2020, the state Supreme Court, then controlled by conservatives, came close to overturning Joe Biden’s victory. With majorities of 64-35 in the state Assembly and 22-11 in the Senate, Wisconsin Republicans are focused on protecting their power. However, lawsuits challenging the gerrymandered maps have been filed, and the newly left-leaning Supreme Court has yet to decide whether to take up the cases.

The resistance to giving up power to draw electoral district boundaries is not unique to Wisconsin. Many states have seen a reduction in gerrymandering by shifting responsibility for redistricting to independent commissions. Michigan serves as an example, as Republican lawmakers drew maps in 2010 that gave them an enduring advantage. However, in 2018, voters approved a citizen-led effort to establish an independent commission for redistricting. The use of these new districts in the 2022 election resulted in a flip of legislative control, demonstrating the potential impact of independent redistricting.

Unlike Michigan, Wisconsin does not allow citizens to bypass the legislature through ballot initiatives, making it difficult to change the redistricting process. As a result, the state continues to operate under legislative districts shaped by Republicans, despite statewide election outcomes that do not align with their majorities. While Republicans argue that partisanship is a legitimate factor in redistricting, Democrats and political analysts view the current system as undemocratic and rigged.

In response to Republican dominance in the legislature, Wisconsin Democrats focused on winning a majority on the state Supreme Court. The election of Janet Protasiewicz in April gave Democrats the majority they had been fighting for. However, Republicans have called on Protasiewicz to recuse herself from redistricting cases, citing her campaign comments and donations from the Democratic Party. Despite her clarification that she has not prejudged any cases, Republicans continue to threaten impeachment.

The outcome of this power struggle in Wisconsin could have far-reaching consequences. It not only affects the balance of power in the state but also has implications for future elections, including the 2024 presidential race. The drama surrounding the state Supreme Court underscores the ongoing debate over partisan gerrymandering and the need for reform to ensure fair and democratic representation.

Original Story at abcnews.go.com – 2023-09-10 12:44:10

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