Ex-Israeli Prime Minister Warns Judicial Reform Could Jeopardize Lives

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has issued a stark warning about the judicial reforms being pushed by the current coalition government in Israel. In an interview with CBS, Barak cautioned that these reforms could lead to non-violent civil disobedience and even loss of life. He compared Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to the American Proud Boys, which has been designated a terrorist organization.

Barak expressed his concern that the judicial reforms could pose a serious threat to Israel’s democracy. He stated, “We the people are defending our democracy against an attempt to destroy it from within.” The former prime minister emphasized that the protests against these reforms would continue, as people sought to protect Israel’s democratic values. He acknowledged that the battle might be challenging and could take time, but he remained confident that the fight would be won.

While Barak initially hoped that the resistance to the reforms would remain non-violent, he acknowledged that there might be instances of violence. He stated, “It may take ups and downs, it might take time, and some people might lose their lives along the way.” His comments suggest that he believes the government’s proposed reforms could have serious consequences for the country.

Barak’s comparison of Smotrich and Ben-Gvir to the Proud Boys is significant. The Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, has been associated with violence and has been designated a terrorist organization in the United States. By making this comparison, Barak is suggesting that these Israeli ministers are aligned with extremist ideologies, further raising concerns about the direction of the country’s government.

The interview with CBS also highlighted Barak’s determination to protect Israel’s democracy. He stated, “We will put an end to it, whatever the price will be.” These strong words indicate that Barak is willing to do whatever it takes to stop the implementation of the judicial reforms and preserve the democratic principles that Israel was founded upon.

The judicial reforms being proposed by the current coalition government in Israel have sparked widespread controversy and opposition. Critics argue that these reforms could undermine the independence of the judiciary and consolidate power in the hands of the ruling coalition. Barak’s warning about the potential consequences of these reforms adds to the growing concerns surrounding this issue.

As the debate over the judicial reforms continues in Israel, it is clear that there are deep divisions within the country. The push for these reforms has ignited protests and opposition from those who fear the erosion of democratic values. Barak’s words carry weight as a former prime minister and a respected figure in Israeli politics, and his warning serves as a reminder of the high stakes involved in this contentious issue. The outcome of this debate will have significant implications for the future of Israel’s democracy.

Original Story at www.i24news.tv – 2023-09-20 07:27:06