During U.S. visit, Netanyahu implores Musk to combat antisemitism on social media

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his U.S. trip in California by meeting with billionaire businessman Elon Musk to discuss the issue of antisemitism on Musk’s social media platform, X. However, during their conversation, Musk also raised concerns about Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul in Israel. The livestream event, which had a relatively small audience of 700-800 viewers, touched upon topics such as artificial intelligence and free speech.

The meeting between Netanyahu and Musk took place amidst controversies surrounding both individuals. Musk has faced accusations of tolerating antisemitic messages on his social media platform, while Netanyahu is confronting political opposition at home and abroad. Outside the Tesla factory in Fremont, California, where the meeting occurred, protesters gathered to express their concerns.

The conversation between Netanyahu and Musk began with a discussion about artificial intelligence and its impact on humanity. Netanyahu emphasized the need for an international regime to regulate advanced AI technology, while Musk highlighted the importance of like-minded states agreeing to a code of ethics and conduct. Both leaders recognized the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI and agreed that there should be measures in place to prevent misuse.

The conversation then shifted towards the topic of free speech and antisemitism. Netanyahu urged Musk to find a balance within the confines of the First Amendment to address antisemitism and other forms of hatred on his social media platform. Musk acknowledged the challenge of moderating a platform with millions of posts daily but reiterated that hate speech is not promoted or amplified on X. Under Musk’s leadership, X has implemented rules to limit the visibility of objectionable posts rather than removing them entirely.

However, Musk has faced criticism from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish civil-rights organization, for allegedly allowing antisemitism and hate speech to spread on X. The ADL’s director, Jonathan Greenblatt, accused Musk of amplifying the messages of neo-Nazis and white supremacists by engaging with them on the platform. Musk, on the other hand, accused the ADL of falsely accusing him and X of being antisemitic.

Netanyahu’s visit to California was primarily focused on his meeting with Musk, deviating from the usual Silicon Valley itineraries of visiting political dignitaries. Following his time in California, Netanyahu is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly in New York and hold meetings with various world leaders, including President Joe Biden.

In Israel, Netanyahu has faced months of protests against his plan to overhaul the judicial system. Critics argue that the plan is a power grab that would weaken the country’s system of checks and balances. Leading figures in Israel’s high-tech community have played a prominent role in the protests, stating that weakening the judiciary would harm the business climate and deter foreign investment.

Netanyahu, however, downplayed his judicial overhaul as a minor correction to curb the excessive powers of unelected judges. Critics believe that the plan would concentrate power in the hands of Netanyahu and his allies. Notably, Netanyahu made no mention of his ongoing corruption trial during his conversation with Musk.

Overall, the meeting between Netanyahu and Musk provided an opportunity for both leaders to address important issues, such as antisemitism, artificial intelligence, and free speech. However, controversies surrounding their respective platforms and political situations continue to generate scrutiny and criticism.

Original Story at globalnews.ca – 2023-09-19 00:08:17

Antisemitismbenjamin netanyahuElon MuskHate Speechmusk netanyahunetanyahu californianetanyahu musknetanyahu musk visitSocial MediaTECHtwitterU.S. Newsworldx