Italian media report U.S. tourist’s tragic death in boat collision near Amalfi Coast

Italian news reports have revealed that an American woman lost her life in a tragic accident off the Amalfi Coast. The incident occurred when the motorboat carrying the woman and her family collided with a tourist sailboat. The crash took place near Naples in southern Italy, a popular destination for tourists.

According to Italian media, the motorboat, which was rented through a skipper, crashed into the sailboat, which was carrying numerous U.S. and German tourists, some of whom were celebrating a wedding. The impact of the collision caused the woman to be thrown into the water, where she was struck multiple times by the motorboat’s propeller, resulting in her death.

Italian state TV reported that the woman was pulled out of the water and brought to a dock, but unfortunately, she had already passed away by the time a helicopter ambulance arrived. The Italian Coast Guard office in Amalfi is currently investigating the crash, although there has been no official statement released regarding the victim’s identity or age.

News reports have identified the deceased woman as the head of a U.S. publishing company based in New York. However, company officials have refrained from making any comments until they have had the opportunity to reach out to the victim’s family. The woman’s husband was also injured in the accident and was hospitalized with a shoulder injury, while their two young children escaped unharmed.

Fortunately, none of the passengers aboard the sailboat, which included over 80 U.S. and German tourists, sustained any injuries. Italian news agency ANSA reported that a blood test conducted on the motorboat’s skipper tested positive, although it is unclear whether the result indicated alcohol or drug consumption. The skipper, who is Italian and in his 30s, suffered a broken pelvis and ribs.

The investigation into the incident is being overseen by prosecutors in the port city of Salerno. The family, who were on holiday in Italy, had been en route to Positano, a renowned destination along the Amalfi Coast, when the tragic crash occurred.

This unfortunate accident serves as a reminder of the importance of safety precautions and vigilance while engaging in water activities. It is crucial for both boat operators and passengers to adhere to regulations and guidelines to prevent such devastating incidents from occurring.

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Original Story at – 2023-08-04 15:18:09

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