Biden administration presents rule to expand background checks for firearms dealers

Biden Administration Proposes Rule to Expand Background Checks for Firearms Dealers

WASHINGTON (AP) — In an effort to combat the escalating gun violence across the nation, the Biden administration has put forth a proposal that would require thousands more firearms dealers to conduct background checks. This move comes after President Joe Biden mandated finding ways to strengthen background checks following the passage of bipartisan legislation on guns last year.

Under the proposed rule by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), individuals who sell firearms online or at gun shows would be required to be licensed and run background checks on buyers before completing the sales. The ATF estimates that this rule could impact anywhere from 24,500 to 328,000 sellers, focusing on those engaged in the business of gun sales rather than personal collectors.

Background checks play a crucial role in preventing firearms from being sold to individuals who are legally barred from owning them, such as those convicted of crimes or teenagers. Additionally, federally licensed firearm dealers are obligated to maintain records and sell guns with serial numbers, aiding law enforcement in tracing weapons used in crimes.

Steve Dettelbach, the director of the ATF, emphasized the importance of background checks and the responsibilities of licensed firearm dealers. He stated, “Unlicensed dealers sell guns without running background checks, without keeping records, without observing the other crucial public safety requirements by which the (federally licensed firearm dealer) community abides.”

Gun control advocacy groups have praised the proposed rule since its announcement by President Biden. However, gun rights organizations argue that it would have little impact on addressing the issue of gun violence.

The proposed rule will be open for public comment for a period of 90 days. The timeline for its finalization has not been immediately clarified.

It is worth noting that this proposal is part of the Biden administration’s broader approach to tackling gun violence. The administration has also called for stronger regulation of “ghost guns” and for Congress to pass additional gun control legislation, including background check requirements for all firearm sales.

The Biden administration’s efforts to expand background checks for firearms dealers reflect their commitment to addressing the rising gun violence epidemic in the United States. By strengthening regulations and ensuring that all sellers conduct thorough background checks, it is hoped that this proposal will contribute to making communities safer and preventing firearms from falling into the wrong hands.

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Original Story at – 2023-08-31 17:38:00

background checks gunsfirearmsfirearms background checksgun background check