Right-wing media launches attack on U.S. justice system following Trump’s unprecedented federal indictment

Attacks on the Rule of Law: Fox News and the Weaponization of the Justice System

New York—In the wake of the news that former President Donald Trump has been indicted on federal charges, Fox News and other right-wing media outlets wasted no time launching a fierce assault on the American justice system. They portrayed the indictment as President Joe Biden’s weaponization of the Justice Department to target his political opponent, perpetuating the narrative of a biased justice system against conservatives.

Fox News, in particular, went into attack mode, with on-screen banners reading “BIDEN ADMIN INDICTS A PRESIDENTIAL RIVAL.” Leading anchor Sean Hannity claimed that the “system of justice” in the US has been “weaponized beyond belief,” and that the country is “in serious trouble.” Throughout the night, Fox News welcomed guests who echoed these talking points, creating a narrative that a deep-state conspiracy was unfairly targeting Trump to eliminate him from the 2024 presidential race.

But Fox News was not alone in its defense of Trump. Right-wing media outlets like Breitbart and Gateway Pundit also published multiple stories defending the former president, with headlines such as “PEAK WITCH HUNT” and “POLITICAL PERSECUTION INTENSIFIES.” This coverage was reminiscent of the post-2016 election years when Trump sought to discredit institutions like the FBI for investigating him.

While news organizations provided fact-based reporting and analysis, propaganda outlets like Fox News disseminated hyperbolic commentary to their audiences. This stark contrast in coverage serves as a reminder that Fox News, despite any personal contempt its owner Rupert Murdoch may have for Trump, quickly falls under his hypnosis and becomes a mouthpiece for the MAGA movement. Documents revealed in the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit showed that Murdoch is afraid of losing Trump’s supporters if the channel airs critical coverage of the former president.

Ultimately, outlets like Fox News prioritize their business models over providing accurate news. Their motivation lies in retaining their audience, even if it means giving voice to dangerous and dishonest commentary. This is particularly concerning in the aftermath of the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, as such rhetoric has the potential to incite real-world violence.

The attacks on the rule of law and the weaponization of the justice system by right-wing media outlets are a troubling development. They undermine public trust in the institutions that uphold democracy and perpetuate a biased narrative that serves the interests of a particular political agenda. It is crucial for news consumers to critically evaluate the sources they rely on and seek out fact-based reporting to ensure they are well-informed.

Original Story at www.cnn.com – 2023-06-09 07:00:00

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