“Life Support: Smerconish’s Take on the State of Affirmative Action”

SCOTUS Poised to End Affirmative Action in College Admissions

CNN’s Michael Smerconish has raised concerns over the possible end of the Affirmative Action policy in college admissions. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has been considering a case that challenges the use of race in college admissions, and it seems that the court is leaning towards ending Affirmative Action. While this may seem like a victory for those who oppose the policy, it raises questions about the larger problem of racial disparity in America.

The Affirmative Action policy was created to address the underrepresentation of minorities in higher education and the workforce. It requires colleges and universities to consider race as a factor in their admissions decisions to ensure diversity. While some argue that the policy is necessary to level the playing field for minorities, others claim that it is discriminatory against white students.

SCOTUS is expected to make a ruling on the case, which could have far-reaching implications beyond college admissions. It could affect other areas such as employment, housing, and government contracts. The possibility of ending Affirmative Action has caused concern among civil rights groups who fear that it could lead to a setback for the progress made in promoting diversity and inclusion in America.

Is the Problem of Racial Disparity Any Closer to being Solved?

The end of Affirmative Action policy in college admissions may not address the larger issue of racial disparity in America. Despite the policy, minorities continue to face challenges in various aspects of their lives, including education, employment, and housing. The end of Affirmative Action may exacerbate these problems and make it even harder for minorities to gain access to opportunities.

Smerconish argues that the solution to racial disparity is not to end Affirmative Action but to address the root causes of the problem. He suggests that the government should focus on providing better education opportunities for minorities, investing in minority-owned businesses, and promoting affordable housing in minority communities. These initiatives could help to level the playing field and create a more equitable society.

In conclusion, the possible end of Affirmative Action policy in college admissions is a cause for concern. While some may see it as a victory for those who oppose the policy, it raises questions about the larger problem of racial disparity in America. The solution to this problem lies not in ending Affirmative Action but in addressing the root causes of the problem and providing better opportunities for minorities.

Original Story at edition.cnn.com – 2023-06-17 13:29:49

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