“Evacuation Lifted for Residents, Parts of Jackson Road Closed”



A large vegetation fire erupted in Sacramento county, leading to evacuations and temporary road closures. The fire started before noon and has since spread over 686 acres. Emergency response services, including Cal Fire and the Sacramento Metro Fire, have been working to control the blaze.

Excelsior Fire: Evacuation orders lifted, parts of Jackson Road closed

Breaking news out of Sacramento County. A large vegetation fire, known as the Excelsior Fire, prompted evacuation orders for residents in the affected area. The fire, which ignited south of Mather at Excelsior and Jackson Road, has now grown to 686 acres.

Cal Fire and Sacramento Metro Fire responded to the scene with both ground and air support. LiveCopter3 provided aerial visuals of the area, highlighting the significant fire retardant efforts visible by the lines on your screen.

Due to the blaze’s rapid spread and dry conditions made worse by northwest winds at 14mph, evacuation orders have been issued for all homes from Excelsior to Sunrise along Jackson Road. Further advisories have been given for Florin between Excelsior and Sunrise. Jackson Road remains closed between Excelsior and Sunrise.

Our photojournalist, Jack Noonan, currently on the ground at Eagle’s Nest in Jackson Road, shows us the charred marks left in the wake of the fire. Views from LiveCopter3 also show active firefighting efforts with bulldozers setting up containment lines and trucks working to extinguish the blaze.

Low humidity standing at 15%, coupled with dry conditions, make this fire particularly challenging to control and easy for it to spread. Current efforts are focusing primarily on containment, with fire fighters working to prevent the fire from jumping roads and spreading further.

The evacuation orders have been lifted for residents in the area, but Jackson Road remains closed in parts. The acreage of the fire is reported at 686 acres, presenting a significant challenge for fire crews. Live updates will be offered as more developments come in.

This is a developing story, so stay tuned for more updates on the Excelsior Fire in Sacramento County. With LiveCopter3 overhead providing aerial coverage and our team on the ground, we aim to bring you the latest information as it unfolds.

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