Harris Expresses Confidence in Reelection and Willingness to Lead as Needed


Vice President Kamala Harris expressed confidence in her and President Joe Biden’s ability to win re-election during an interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation” moderator Margaret Brennan. Harris made these remarks while visiting Jakarta, Indonesia for an international summit of Southeast Asian countries. In the interview, she discussed various global issues, including China, Russia, and North Korea, and emphasized her readiness to lead if necessary.

During the interview, Harris addressed the topic of China and its growing influence in the region. She emphasized the importance of the United States maintaining strong relationships with its allies to counterbalance China’s actions. Harris also highlighted the need for economic partnerships that prioritize fair trade practices and ensure a level playing field for all countries involved.

Regarding Russia, Harris emphasized the importance of holding the country accountable for its destabilizing actions, such as cyberattacks and interference in democratic processes. She stressed the need for a unified approach among the international community to address such challenges effectively.

In the context of North Korea, Harris expressed the Biden administration’s commitment to denuclearization and emphasized the importance of diplomacy in achieving this goal. She acknowledged the complexity of the situation and the need for continued engagement with partners in the region to address the ongoing threat posed by North Korea’s nuclear program.

When asked about her and President Biden’s chances of winning re-election, Harris expressed confidence in their ability to secure a second term. She cited their administration’s accomplishments, such as the successful COVID-19 vaccination campaign and the passage of the infrastructure bill, as evidence of their effectiveness in governing. Harris also highlighted the administration’s commitment to addressing critical issues such as climate change and voting rights.

Furthermore, Harris emphasized her readiness to assume leadership if necessary. She emphasized her experience as a former attorney general and senator, highlighting her track record of making tough decisions and fighting for the American people. Harris emphasized the importance of having leaders who are prepared to tackle challenges and make difficult decisions in the best interest of the country.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris expressed confidence in her and President Biden’s ability to win re-election during an interview with CBS News. She discussed various global issues and emphasized the importance of strong relationships with allies to counterbalance China’s influence. Harris also highlighted the need for holding Russia accountable and continuing diplomatic engagement with North Korea. Lastly, she underscored her readiness to lead if necessary, highlighting her experience and commitment to making tough decisions for the betterment of the country.

Original Story at www.cbsnews.com – 2023-09-07 15:28:20

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