[gpt3] Rewrite this title: Modi government expels a Canadian diplomat after Trudeau says India was involved in Sikh’s killing [/gpt4]


## India Expels Senior Canadian Diplomat Amid Rising Tensions

India has escalated an ongoing confrontation with Canada by expelling a senior Canadian diplomat on Tuesday. The expulsion comes amidst accusations of Canada’s alleged interference in India’s internal affairs, particularly related to the murder of a Sikh activist. The confrontation has been mounting over allegations of the Indian government’s potential involvement in the activist’s killing.

## Trudeau Calls for Seriousness in Investigating Sikh Activist’s Killing

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has since stated that Canada isn’t seeking to escalate the tension further. However, he has called on India to take the killing of Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar seriously. India has dismissed such allegations as absurd. Trudeau emphasized the importance of addressing the issue with utmost seriousness and expressed his desire to work with the Indian government to ensure proper processes are in place.

## Allegations of India’s Involvement in Nijjar’s Assassination

On Monday, the Canadian premier announced that his government was investigating allegations linking India with Nijjar’s assassination. Nijjar, 45, was killed in British Columbia in June, prompting Canada to expel a top Indian diplomat. India rejected the allegations as “absurd.” Baraj Singh Nijjar, the activist’s son, expressed relief at the unfolding of events, stating that they had suspected Indian involvement from the beginning.

## Growing Tensions Between Canada and India

The recent expulsions have further strained the relationship between Canada and India. Trudeau and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had tense encounters during the Group of 20 meeting in New Delhi. Days later, Canada called off a planned trade mission to India.

## Sikh Independence Movement and Nijjar’s Role

The Sikh independence movement, known as Khalistan, has been a target of the Indian government since the 1980s. Nijjar, who was wanted by Indian authorities for alleged ties to terrorism, was involved in organizing a Sikh diaspora referendum on independence from India at the time of his killing. India has repeatedly urged Canada to act against the Sikh independence movement, which is banned in India but has support in countries with sizable Sikh populations, such as Canada and the U.K.

## Canada’s Allegations and India’s Response

In a Parliament session on Monday, Trudeau announced that Canadian security agencies were investigating the alleged links between India’s government and Nijjar’s murder. He deemed any foreign government’s involvement in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil as a violation of their sovereignty. However, India’s foreign ministry dismissed these allegations as “absurd and motivated,” accusing Canada of sheltering “terrorists and extremists.”

## Critics Accuse India’s Government of Suppression

Critics of Modi’s Hindu nationalist government accuse it of suppressing dissenters and activists using sedition laws and other legal tools. Several critics, including intellectuals, activists, filmmakers, students, and journalists, have been arrested, creating what opponents describe as a culture of intimidation. Under Modi’s rule, religious minorities, particularly Muslims, have faced increasing attacks by Hindu nationalists.

## G20 Meeting and Aftermath

During the G20 meeting, Trudeau expressed his concerns about Nijjar’s killing to Modi and sought his cooperation in the investigation. However, the Indian Prime Minister expressed strong concerns about Canada’s handling of the Sikh independence movement. The situation has been further complicated by Trudeau’s extended stay in India due to a grounded flight.

Original Story at apnews.com – 2023-09-19 14:19:00

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