The Potential Political Conundrum for Zelensky in the US due to a Stalled Ukrainian Offensive


Header: Ukraine’s Offensive Struggles Amidst External and Political Pressures

One of Ukraine’s greatest challenges as it continues its offensive against Russian-backed forces is its dependence on outside support. President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government relies heavily on a pipeline of US and Western armaments, while Russian President Vladimir Putin also holds significant influence over the conflict. The outcome of the war, therefore, depends not only on battlefield sacrifices but also on external factors, including shifting political forces in the US, Moscow, and European capitals.

Political Ramifications for the United States

A stalled offensive and a winter stalemate could have major implications for the United States, particularly as the war intersects with an acrimonious election year. President Joe Biden, a critical supporter of Ukraine and the Western alliance, may clash with former President Donald Trump, who has expressed skepticism towards NATO and admiration for Putin. The war’s duration and public support for it could impact Biden’s presidency, as well as the future of US aid to Ukraine.

Pressure on Ukraine’s Summer Offensive

There is immense pressure on Ukraine’s counteroffensive this summer to produce significant battlefield breakthroughs, both for strategic and political reasons. However, the push has been more of a slog than a blitzkrieg, raising the possibility that the war could extend into next year. The entire conflict hinges on the delicate balance between Ukraine’s fighting capacity, American support, and Putin’s tolerance for casualties.

Ukraine’s Struggles and Defensive Challenges

Ukraine’s struggles and heavy combat losses can be attributed, in part, to the entrenched defensive positions established by Russia over months of preparation. The attacking force requires a numerical advantage over well-dug-in troops, making it difficult for Ukraine to make rapid advances. President Zelensky acknowledges the challenges but maintains confidence in his forces, calling for patience among allies.

The West’s Forbearance and the Wider Political Context

The West’s willingness to give Ukraine the time it needs is crucial, as a lack of significant breakthroughs against Russia could force policymakers to consider the wider political context of the war. Despite recent international conferences exploring potential peace settlements, a clear path to a ceasefire has yet to emerge. Ukraine remains committed to reclaiming its borders, including the expulsion of Russian forces from Crimea, but Putin has yet to achieve the victory he desires.

The Role of US Support and Biden’s Legacy

The constancy of US support will play a pivotal role in deciding the point at which either side may be open to a settlement. President Biden’s response to Russia’s invasion will shape his legacy and the perception of Western leadership. Biden is working on a new funding bill to support Ukraine, which will test the willingness of the House GOP majority to continue providing aid. The war’s progress could influence public opinion on the US commitment, particularly as it intersects with concerns over inflation and the economy.

Polarized Views on US Involvement

Public opinion in the US regarding the war in Ukraine is polarized. A recent CNN/SSRS poll showed that 55% of voters believe Congress should not authorize additional funding, reflecting skepticism and divisions along party lines. The question of whether Speaker Kevin McCarthy can pass a bipartisan aid bill adds further uncertainty to Ukraine’s US support.


Ukraine’s offensive struggles amidst external pressures and political dynamics create a precarious situation for both Zelensky’s government and the future of the conflict. The outcome will depend on the balance of battlefield sacrifices, external support, and political decisions made in the US, Moscow, and European capitals.

Original Story at – 2023-08-09 05:18:00

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