Trump gambles once more on legal troubles leading to substantial donations


Title: Trump’s Legal Troubles Fuel Campaign Donations

Former President Donald Trump’s legal battles have had a significant impact on his campaign finances, with donations pouring in following the announcement of criminal investigations against him. A CNN analysis reveals that itemized contributions to Trump’s campaign spiked after each legal development, boosting his fundraising efforts for a potential third White House bid. These donations not only support his campaign but also potentially contribute to his legal expenses.

Trump Faces Criminal Investigations:
This week, special counsel Jack Smith sent a letter to Donald Trump, confirming that he is the target of a criminal investigation into his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump wasted no time in soliciting campaign donations from his supporters to help him combat what he called “another vicious act of Election Interference on behalf of the Deep State.” The Federal Election Commission’s recent disclosures highlight the impact of these criminal cases on Trump’s campaign finances.

Surge in Contributions:
A CNN analysis of itemized donations exceeding $200 shows a clear correlation between Trump’s legal troubles and increased contributions. Prior to the indictment news in March, Trump’s campaign committee received an average of less than $80,000 per day in itemized contributions. However, following the announcement of his indictment by a Manhattan grand jury and his subsequent arraignment in early April, approximately $4 million flowed into his campaign coffers.

Trump’s Influence on Donors:
The analysis focused on contributions exceeding $200 since this threshold requires candidates to disclose details, including the date of receipt. June witnessed another surge in political donations after the US Justice Department filed criminal charges against Trump, accusing him of mishandling classified documents and obstructing government efforts. Trump capitalized on these charges, describing them as an attack on his supporters, further rallying his base and soliciting funds to fight against what he portrayed as corrupt interference.

Supporters Rally Behind Trump:
Republican strategist Doug Heye emphasizes that Trump’s messaging regarding a rigged system resonates with his base. The influx of financial support surrounding his legal woes solidifies the notion that Trump’s loyal base has not wavered. This unwavering support also deters many Republicans from challenging Trump, even those running against him, fearing the backlash they may face.

Trump’s Legal Expenses:
A significant portion of the funds raised through Trump’s main political funding vehicle, the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, is allocated to a leadership PAC called Save America. This PAC has previously covered Trump’s legal expenses. As Trump’s legal battles intensify, these campaign donations could directly contribute to his mounting legal fees.

Donald Trump’s legal troubles have had a profound impact on his campaign finances, with contributions skyrocketing following each criminal investigation announcement. Trump’s ability to rally his base and portray these legal challenges as attacks on his supporters has resulted in a steady stream of financial support. It remains to be seen how these donations will be utilized, but they stand to aid Trump’s campaign and potentially cover his mounting legal expenses.

Original Story at – 2023-07-19 19:32:00

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