State Media: North Korea Criticizes UN Meeting Regarding Its ICBM Launch


North Korea has criticized the United Nations Security Council for convening a meeting to discuss its recent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test. According to state media, North Korea vowed to continue pursuing “the most overwhelming” nuclear deterrence until the United States abandons its hostile policy towards Pyongyang.

The Security Council, consisting of 15 members, held the meeting following North Korea’s announcement that it had successfully tested its latest Hwasong-18 ICBM on Wednesday. This development has raised concerns among the international community about the country’s nuclear capabilities and its potential threat to global security.

North Korea’s defiance of international norms and its continuous pursuit of nuclear weapons have been met with condemnation from the United Nations and various countries around the world. The Security Council has previously imposed sanctions on North Korea in an effort to curb its nuclear ambitions, but these measures have not deterred the country from advancing its missile technology.

The escalating tensions between North Korea and the United States have been a cause for concern in the international community for years. The two countries have engaged in a war of words, with North Korea repeatedly threatening to strike the United States with its nuclear weapons. In response, the United States has maintained a policy of maximum pressure and sanctions on North Korea, urging the country to abandon its nuclear program.

Despite international efforts to find a diplomatic solution, North Korea has remained steadfast in its pursuit of nuclear weapons. The country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, has repeatedly stated that nuclear weapons are necessary for its self-defense and to protect its sovereignty. However, these actions have only further isolated North Korea from the international community and have led to increased sanctions and condemnation.

The Security Council meeting highlights the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the North Korean nuclear crisis. It is crucial for the international community to work together to find a diplomatic solution that will address North Korea’s security concerns while ensuring global peace and stability.

In conclusion, North Korea’s denouncement of the Security Council meeting and its commitment to advancing its nuclear deterrence capabilities raise concerns about the country’s intentions and its potential threat to international security. The international community must continue to pressure North Korea to abandon its nuclear program and seek a peaceful solution to the ongoing crisis.

Original Story at – 2023-07-14 10:20:00

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