National: US Approves Shipment of Controversial Cluster Munitions to Ukraine


US Agrees to Send Controversial Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

On July 7, the United States made the decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of a new military aid package. This announcement comes as Ukrainian forces continue to struggle in their counteroffensive against Russia. The delivery of these munitions is seen as a significant moment, as it goes against the stance of U.S. allies who believe that cluster munitions should be banned.

Cluster munitions have been outlawed under the Convention on Cluster Munitions in over 100 countries, including the U.K., France, and Germany. However, the Biden administration has decided to provide Ukraine with these weapons, despite the opposition from its allies. Jake Sullivan, the National Security Adviser, acknowledged that this was a difficult decision and required careful consideration of the potential harm to civilians.

According to the under secretary of defense for policy, Ukraine provided written assurances that the munitions would not be used in civilian-populated areas and that there would be strict accountability for their use. However, Human Rights Watch released a report on July 6, stating that the transfer of these weapons would inevitably cause long-term suffering for civilians and undermine the international condemnation of their use.

Ukraine has been pushing for the U.S. to supply them with cluster munitions since last year. Military analysts and officials have expressed concerns that without these munitions, Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia may falter. However, the decision to send cluster munitions has sparked controversy and raised questions about the potential consequences for civilians caught in the conflict.

Critics argue that cluster munitions have a wide area of effect and can cause significant harm to civilians, even long after the conflict has ended. The indiscriminate nature of these weapons poses a risk to innocent lives and raises ethical concerns. Proponents of the decision argue that providing Ukraine with cluster munitions is necessary to support its defense against Russian aggression.

The Biden administration’s decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine has highlighted the complex dynamics of the conflict and the difficult choices faced in supporting a partner country. As the situation continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how this decision will impact the ongoing conflict and the lives of those involved.

Original Story at – 2023-07-07 21:57:30

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