Democrats’ Increasing Anxiety for 2024 Fueled by the Lackadaisical Pace of Biden’s Reelection Campaign


Time Running Out for Biden’s Reelection Campaign, Democrats Express Concerns

As President Joe Biden’s campaign for reelection gradually ramps up, whispers among top Democrats and donors suggest that Biden may not actually run for a second term. A sense of urgency is growing among those who believe that Biden’s lack of a robust campaign is a sign that his heart isn’t fully in it. However, Biden’s inner circle and campaign advisers dismiss these concerns as absurd, insisting that he is indeed running for reelection and taking preparations seriously.

Anxiety and frustration are mounting among Biden aides, Democratic operatives, and donors as the disclosure of fundraising for the first few months of Biden’s campaign approaches. The slow pace of building a campaign structure and the lack of big donors locking in raise concerns about Biden’s chances of winning against potential Republican opponents. Critics argue that every day without a packed campaign schedule signals to voters that Biden’s age is a major concern. The worries of losing to Donald Trump or another Republican in the next election are also fueling frustration and doubt among Democrats.

Biden’s campaign planning is closely held and predominantly run out of the West Wing, causing delays in decision-making. Biden advisers claim that this tight, purposeful strategy takes into account Biden’s vulnerabilities, his record’s strengths, and the current state of America. They argue that starting the campaign too early would not only burn through funds but also risk politicizing the president and his cabinet. Biden’s team aims to position him as a common-sense leader rather than an extremist opponent to Republicans.

David Axelrod, a strategist for Barack Obama’s campaigns, emphasizes the importance of fundraising for Biden’s campaign. He believes that having ample resources will allow Biden to dictate the terms of the debate and counter any potential economic downturn or crisis that could sway voters towards the Republican nominee.

Despite concerns and comparisons to Obama’s 2012 campaign, Biden’s team remains confident in the president’s strong start. They point to Democratic unity around Biden’s successful agenda and early endorsements as signs of progress. However, the delay in opening campaign headquarters, the absence of staff in competitive states, and the slow process of hiring have contributed to Democratic anxiety. Supporters wince at Biden’s occasional stumbling in public and his meandering comments at fundraisers, leading to concerns about his ability to effectively communicate his message.

Jim Messina, former President Obama’s campaign manager, advises the Biden team to avoid hiring on-the-ground staff or establishing a headquarters too early. He believes that such moves in the past led to a hiring freeze and were ultimately unhelpful to winning the election.

As time runs shorter for Biden’s campaign, leading Democrats are growing increasingly concerned. While Biden’s team insists that preparations are underway and that he is fully committed to running for reelection, doubts and worries persist among Democrats who fear a repeat of the 2016 election.

Overall, the outcome of Biden’s reelection campaign remains uncertain as concerns about his level of commitment, fundraising, and campaign structure continue to circulate among Democrats and donors. The coming months will provide a clearer picture of Biden’s prospects as fundraising numbers and campaign activities are disclosed.

– CNN:

Original Story at – 2023-07-13 18:30:00

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