Defense Department News: DOD Policy Chief Acknowledges the Importance of Teamwork, Cites Michael Jordan’s Need for Supporting Players


Americans Must Recognize the Importance of Allies and Partners for National Security, Says Undersecretary of Defense

In a Pentagon media briefing, Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, emphasized the crucial role that allies and partners play in U.S. national security strategies. Kahl addressed the media before joining President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.

NATO, arguably the most successful alliance in history, has played a significant role in preventing great power wars for nearly 75 years. However, there are still some Americans who believe that the United States can thrive without allies and partners. Kahl acknowledged that some members of the previous administration did not value allies and partners as much as the current administration does.

According to Kahl, allies, partners, and friends are integral to the National Defense Strategy. He explained that while terms like “asymmetric advantage” and “network of allies and partners” may sound complex, they ultimately highlight the importance of international relations as a team effort.

Despite being the most powerful country in the world, Kahl emphasized that the United States cannot address national security challenges alone. He noted that the U.S. has the best military in history, but there is no problem that would be easier to solve without the support of allies and partners. Kahl used the analogy of basketball legend Michael Jordan, stating that even the greatest players need a strong team to succeed.

One example of the importance of alliances is evident in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Kahl described this invasion as the most significant threat to the geopolitical order since World War II. Initially, Russian President Vladimir Putin expected NATO to weaken and fracture in the face of this aggression. However, the opposite has occurred, with NATO becoming stronger and increasing defense commitments. This unity demonstrates the value of alliances in deterring attacks and ensuring global security.

Kahl also highlighted the Indo-Pacific region, where China poses the most significant strategic competition to the United States. He emphasized that the U.S. cannot win this competition alone and needs a team of allies and partners. While the U.S. has made significant investments in defense modernization, science and technology, and infrastructure, it is crucial to strengthen ties with other nations in order to effectively counter China’s influence.

Kahl pointed to the Australia-United Kingdom-United States agreements as an example of successful alliances. He also mentioned changes in force structure and footprints in Australia, defense posture changes in Japan, and deepening alliances with the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, and India. By leveraging existing alliances and building new partnerships, the United States can secure its position in the 21st century.

In conclusion, Colin Kahl emphasized that Americans need to recognize the importance of allies and partners in national security strategies. He highlighted the success of NATO and the necessity of alliances in addressing global challenges. Kahl also underscored the significance of teamwork in international relations, using sports analogies to illustrate his point. By strengthening alliances and partnerships, the United States can ensure a safer and more secure future.

Original Story at – 2023-07-07 22:44:24

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