China to Implement Stricter Regulations on ‘Self Media’ Management


China’s cyberspace regulator is considering implementing new rules to strengthen the management of “self media” accounts, which are independent accounts that publish news and information but are not government-run or state-approved. The move is part of China’s ongoing efforts to tighten control over online content and ensure that only authorized sources are disseminating information.

The regulator has proposed 13 rules aimed at regulating the sources of information related to domestic and international current affairs, public policies, and social events. These rules would also focus on improving the management of multi-channel network institutions of “self media”. The details of these rules have not been disclosed yet, but they are expected to provide guidelines and restrictions on the content that can be published by self media accounts.

China has been tightening its control over the internet and social media platforms in recent years. The government has implemented strict regulations and censorship measures to ensure that online content aligns with the Communist Party’s narrative and does not pose a threat to social stability or national security. These measures have included shutting down independent news websites, blocking foreign social media platforms, and monitoring and censoring online conversations.

The proposed rules on self media accounts are part of a broader effort by the Chinese government to exert greater control over the flow of information and prevent the spread of unauthorized or potentially harmful content. By regulating the sources of information and improving the management of self media accounts, the government aims to ensure that only trusted and authorized sources are able to publish news and information.

However, critics argue that these rules will further restrict freedom of speech and limit the diversity of voices and perspectives available to the Chinese public. They argue that self media accounts have played a crucial role in providing alternative news and information that is not available through state-controlled media channels. These accounts have also been instrumental in raising awareness about social issues and holding the government accountable.

It remains to be seen how these proposed rules will be implemented and what impact they will have on the landscape of self media in China. As the Chinese government continues to tighten control over the internet and social media, it is likely that the space for independent voices and alternative sources of information will continue to shrink.

In conclusion, China’s cyberspace regulator is considering new rules to strengthen the management of self media accounts. These rules would regulate the sources of information and improve the management of multi-channel network institutions. Critics argue that these rules will further restrict freedom of speech and limit the diversity of voices and perspectives available to the Chinese public. The Chinese government’s ongoing efforts to tighten control over the internet and social media platforms raise concerns about the shrinking space for independent voices and alternative sources of information in the country.

Original Story at – 2023-07-10 08:04:00

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