Суб’єкти господарювання громади можуть отримати часткове відшкодування на незалежні джерела енергопостачання та зв’язку
The Executive Committee of the Khmelnytsky City Council has decided to partially subsidize the cost of a generator for another business entity. This is made possible through the Entrepreneurship Development Program for 2022-2025, which aims to support entrepreneurs in ensuring the uninterrupted operation of their businesses. Entrepreneurs in the restaurant industry can apply for partial reimbursement for the purchase of equipment such as generators, uninterrupted power supply systems, and satellite communication devices. The reimbursement is a one-time payment of 50% of the equipment cost, up to 30,000 UAH for generators or uninterrupted power supply systems, and up to 20,000 UAH for satellite communication devices. Detailed information and program conditions can be found [here](https://www.khm.gov.ua/uk/content/pro-vnesennya-zmin-do-programy-rozvytku-pidpryyemnyctva-hmelnyckoyi-miskoyi-terytorialnoyi-0).
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