At House Hearing, Congressman Amo Emphasizes Rhode Island’s Lead in Clean Energy



Congressman Gabe Amo turned up the clean-energy volume at a recent House Committee hearing, singing Rhode Island’s green praises loud and clear. Not only is the state hosting America’s first commercial offshore wind farm, but ARPA-E’s work on energy storage and floating offshore wind research technology is serving up a revolutionary menu of renewable energy dishes. So while you’re sipping on that organic chai latte, remember that Rhode Island is stirring the pot in the clean energy kitchen, cooking up a storm for the climate goals of tomorrow.

Gabe Amo Talks Clean Energy and Rhode Island’s Leadership Role

At a recent Energy Subcommittee hearing, Congressman Gabe Amo (D-R.I.) highlighted Rhode Island’s innovative approach to clean energy, and its place at the forefront of the trend.

The hearing spotlighted ARPA-E, a key player in supporting the development of clean energy technologies.

Home to the nation’s first commercial offshore wind farm, Rhode Island is making strides in renewable energy. “I joined this Committee because it’s driving new discoveries. That’s why today’s discussion on ARPA-E is so crucial,” Amo shared.

Comprised of five turbines, the Block Island Wind Farm generates sufficient electricity to power around 17,000 homes every year.

“I take pride in Rhode Island’s lead in the clean energy shift. Clean energies, like offshore wind, are vital for meeting both our current energy demands and future climate targets. ARPA-E’s efforts on energy storage through the DAYS Program and its backing for floating offshore wind research will further clean energy projects in our region and across the US.”

View Congressman Amo’s entire speech below:

YouTube video

Artificial intelligence (AI) contributed to the reporting of this story.

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