Panelists at Baker Tilly’s 2024 Develup Say the Inflation Reduction Act is Improving Affordable Housing



The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has revolutionized tax credits and created new opportunities, according to insights shared by Baker Tilly’s Don Bernards and Joel Laubenstein in an article with The Bond Buyer. The IRA, which includes over 70 separate tax credits and options to transfer them, is said to have opened doors to project funding and innovation. The impact of the IRA was discussed at Baker Tilly’s 2024 DevelUP conference.

Impact of Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): Insights from Baker Tilly’s 2024 DevelUP Conference

Delve into the transformative effects of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) as emphasized at Baker Tilly’s 2024 DevelUP conference. In a collaborative discussion with The Bond Buyer, Baker Tilly’s Don Bernards and Joel Laubenstein shed light on how the IRA has radically altered tax credits, forging previously unimaginable opportunities. Boasting more than 70 distinct tax credits and the ability to transfer them, the IRA ushers in a new era of project funding and innovation. Discover the viewpoints of panelists from diverse organizations shared during this April event.

For more details, visit Baker Tilly’s multifamily housing page.

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