Mike Pence Slams Donald Trump – Should Never be President Again


Mike Pence: I Did My Duty on January 6, Trump Asked Me to Put Him Over the Constitution

In an interview with reporters, former Vice President Mike Pence doubled down on his assertion that he did his duty on January 6, 2021, when he refused to overturn the results of the election. He said that Trump asked him to “put him over the Constitution,” but that he refused.

Pence also said that Trump was surrounded by “crackpot lawyers” who told him what he wanted to hear. He said that these lawyers convinced Trump that he had the power to overturn the election results, which is not true.

Key Quotes:
“I believe with all my heart that by God’s grace I did my duty that day.”

“I had no right to overturn the election.”

“Trump asked me to put him over the Constitution, but I chose the Constitution and I always will.”

“Our country is more important than any one man. Our Constitution is more important than any one man’s career.”

Pence’s comments come after Trump was indicted on four counts related to efforts to overturn the election.

Read More:
Trump Indicted on 4 Counts for January 6th – https://www.jan-6.com/post/trump-indicted-for-january-6th

Latest on the January 6th Investigation – https://www.jan-6.com/jack-smith-trump-investigation

January 6th Timeline – https://www.jan-6.com/january-6-timeline

Mike Pence Turns to His Faith – https://www.jan-6.com/pence-turns-to-faith

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