День пам’яті та перемоги над нацизмом у Другій світовій війні 1939-1945 років


Ukraine is celebrating May 8th as the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II for the first time this year. The Supreme Council of Ukraine established this unified date last year as the country, along with the rest of Europe, marks the victory over Nazism and honors the memory of those who died in the war. The poppy has been the symbol of remembrance for World War II since 2014 in Ukraine, as it is in Europe. May 8th in Europe is seen as the end of the war, the victory over Nazism, and a reminder of the catastrophe, not a triumph of one people over another. Unfortunately, for Ukrainians, the horrors of war have become a grim reality as the country has been on the frontline of defense for peace, self-identity, and human dignity for three years already.

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