In 2022, Court Ruling Dealt Heavy Blow to Disinformation Promoters


Defamation Lawsuits Against Right-Wing Media Personalities and Companies Gain Ground

In 2022, defamation lawsuits accusing right-wing media personalities and companies of spreading Conspiracy theories gained ground, with judges and juries sending the message that disseminating disinformation is not protected speech and those who promote it and profit from it can expect to face severe legal consequences.

The lawsuits were filed against right-wing outlets and figures such as Newsmax, One America News Network (OANN), and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who promoted baseless claims of Election fraud and COVID-19 misinformation. The defamation claims argued that the media personalities and companies were intentionally spreading false information that harmed individuals and businesses.

Judges and juries in several cases ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, awarding significant damages and sending a message that promoting disinformation can lead to legal repercussions. This groundbreaking development sets a precedent for future defamation cases involving media figures and companies.

The rise in these lawsuits has been attributed to the increasing awareness of the impact of disinformation on society and the recognition that those who spread false information should be held accountable. The lawsuits have also been praised for their role in promoting responsible journalism and discouraging the spread of false information.

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Original Story at – 2022-12-22 08:00:00

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