Christina Bobb Subpoenaed by Smartmatic in Defamation Lawsuit


Smartmatic, the election technology company, has issued a subpoena for documents to former President Donald Trump’s lawyer and former One America News (OAN) commentator Christina Bobb. The subpoena is part of Smartmatic’s defamation claims against Fox News regarding the 2020 presidential election. The documents being sought are related to Bobb’s communications with Smartmatic and Dominion, another voting machine company targeted by pro-Trump Conspiracy theories. Smartmatic alleges that Fox News knowingly spread these Conspiracy theories despite their implausibility.

The subpoena also requests any documents and communications Bobb may have regarding the election coverage with Fox News and other news organizations, including print and TV outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, One America News Network, and Newsmax. Bobb, who routinely promoted the false idea that Trump won the election, must also turn over her communications with other individuals who spread the Election fraud lie, including Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, and Michael Flynn. Additionally, her communications with the Trump administration and campaign, including Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr., are also requested.

This subpoena sheds light on the legal troubles Bobb has encountered as a result of her association with Trump. She was previously reported to have falsely certified that she conducted a thorough search of Mar-a-Lago for government documents. However, a subsequent FBI search revealed more classified documents and raised suspicions of obstruction of justice. Bobb is believed to be a central figure in the Justice Department’s investigation into the concealment and removal of government records.

The subpoena indicates that Bobb’s involvement in Trump-related court proceedings is unlikely to subside soon. The document requests are ongoing, and any additional documents discovered after the subpoena’s service must be promptly supplied in supplemental responses. Bobb has 20 days to comply with the initial document requests.

Smartmatic’s lawyers, David D. Pope and Edward Wipper, from the law firm Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP, signed the filing. Bobb’s attorney has not yet responded to Law&Crime’s request for comment.

For more information, you can read the subpoena here.

In conclusion, Smartmatic has issued a subpoena for documents to Christina Bobb, former OAN commentator and Trump’s lawyer, as part of their defamation claims against Fox News. The subpoena seeks documents and communications related to Bobb’s association with Smartmatic, Dominion, and her coverage of the 2020 election. This development further highlights Bobb’s involvement in Trump-related legal proceedings and the ongoing investigation into the concealment and removal of government records.

Original Story at – 2022-11-22 08:00:00

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